Cherry, vanilla and pistachio cake

Gâteau cerise, vanille et pistache

Cherry, vanilla and pistachio cake with
– a pistachio cookie,
– vanilla mousse,
– cherry compote.

Material used

– Square frame 12X12x4.5 cm

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatin

– Tefal baking tray

– Baking paper

– Angled spatula


Pistachio biscuit
✔60g sugar
✔1 egg
✔80g pistachio powder
✔10g pistachio praline
✔30g butter
✔20 g flour
✔2 egg whites

Vanilla mousse
✔45g cream
✔45g white chocolate
✔70g liquid cream
✔2g gelatin

Cherry compote
✔220g cherries
✔29g powdered sugar
✔2g gelatin

The recipe

Serves 4

Pistachio biscuit
✔60g sugar
✔1 egg
✔80g pistachio powder
✔10g pistachio praline
✔30g butter
✔20 g flour
✔2 egg whites

Make a hazelnut butter. In a saucepan, melt the butter until it takes on a pretty hazelnut color and smell. Set aside. In a bowl, mix the whole egg with the powdered sugar. Add the pistachio powder (I mixed 80g of unsalted pistachios), flour, pistachio praline and melted butter. Mix well. In another bowl, whip the egg whites with a mixer. Gently fold into the mixture using a pastry blender. Pour the cookie dough onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for 10-12 min at 180°C. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before peeling off the paper and cutting out 3 squares the size of your picture frame.

Gâteau cerise, vanille et pistache
Gâteau cerise, vanille et pistache
Gâteau cerise, vanille et pistache

Place the first biscuit in the bottom of your pastry frame.

Cherry compote
✔220g cherries
✔29g powdered sugar
✔2g gelatin
✔A few tablespoons of water

Place the halved, pitted cherries, powdered sugar and a little water in a saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring regularly, for 15 to 20 minutes. If necessary, add a little water during cooking. Remove from the saucepan and add the gelatin leaf, previously softened in a bowl of cold water. Blend the cherries. Pour around 85-90g of compote onto the pistachio cookie. Place in the freezer for at least 10 minutes. Store remaining compote at room temperature.

Gâteau cerise, vanille et pistache
Gâteau cerise, vanille et pistache

Vanilla mousse
✔45g cream
✔45g white chocolate
✔70g liquid cream
✔2g gelatin
✔1 Vanilla pod

Place the gelatine leaf in a bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the 45g cream, then turn off the heat and infuse with the vanilla pod, previously halved and scraped, for 30 minutes, covered. Return the saucepan to the heat. Remove from heat and add the gelatine and melted white chocolate. Mix and set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Pour in the previous mixture when its temperature is < 40°C and stir gently.

Pour around 85-90g of vanilla mousse over the cherry compote. Place in the freezer for a few minutes. Add the second pistachio biscuit.

Gâteau cerise, vanille et pistache
Gâteau cerise, vanille et pistache

Add remaining cherry compote. Place in the freezer for a further few minutes. Finish with the remaining vanilla mousse and the last pistachio biscuit. Place in the freezer overnight.

Gâteau cerise, vanille et pistache
Gâteau cerise, vanille et pistache
Gâteau cerise, vanille et pistache

The next day, remove the frame. Cut your cake into 4 equal parts.

I decorated with cherries.