Candied fruit cake


Candied fruit cake

Material used

– Silicone cake mould


✔320 g flour
✔200 g softened butter
✔4 eggs
✔1 tablespoon milk
✔100 g sugar
✔2 packets of baking powder
✔5 tablespoons rum
✔100 g candied fruit cubes
✔100 g currants
✔80g candied cherries

The recipe

Soak the sultanas in a bowl of hot water with a capful of rum.

Cake aux fruits confits

In a bowl, cream the butter with the powdered sugar.

Cake aux fruits confits
Cake aux fruits confits
Cake aux fruits confits

Then add the eggs one by one. Mix. Add the milk, the candied fruit and the drained sultanas. Mix. Sift in the flour and yeast. Mix.

Cake aux fruits confits
Cake aux fruits confits

Butter a cake tin. Fill it ¾ full with the mixture.

Cake aux fruits confits

Bake in a hot oven at 180°C for 20 minutes, then lower the oven to 170°C for another 20 minutes. The blade of the knife should come out dry after baking.

Cake aux fruits confits

You can brush the cake with a syrup by bringing water (20g), sugar (20g) and a capful of rum to the boil in a small pan.

To decorate, place some candied fruit, orange peel and candied cherries, on top.