Vanilla and speculoos cake

Gâteau vanille et spéculoos

Vanilla and speculoos cake

– a speculoos cookie,
– a vanilla mousse,
– speculoos mousse,
– speculoos mirror icing.

Material used

Square frame 12X12x4.5 cm

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatin

– Rolling pin


Speculoos and butter base
✔55g speculoos
✔25g small butters
✔35g melted butter

Vanilla mousse
✔90g liquid cream
✔90g white chocolate
✔100g liquid cream
✔2g gelatine
✔1 vanilla pod

Speculoos mousse
✔40g liquid cream
✔50g speculoos paste
✔2g gelatin
✔90g liquid cream 30% min MG

Mirror glaze
✔12.5g water
✔20g white chocolate
✔22.5g sugar
✔22.5g glucose
✔15g cream
✔10g speculoos paste
✔2g gelatin

The recipe

Serves 4

Speculoos and butter base
✔55g speculoos biscuits
✔25g butter cookies
✔35g melted butter

Place the biscuits in a freezer bag and crumble with a rolling pin.

Empty the crumbled cookies into a bowl. Add the melted butter. Mix well. Place the pastry frame on a flat surface. Pour the cookie evenly over the bottom and press down with the back of a spoon. Chill for a few minutes.

Gâteau vanille et spéculoos
Gâteau vanille et spéculoos
Gâteau vanille et spéculoos
Gâteau vanille et spéculoos

Vanilla mousse
✔90g liquid cream
✔90g white chocolate
✔100g single cream
✔2g gelatin
✔1 vanilla pod

Place the gelatine leaf in a large bowl of cold water. Heat the cream in a saucepan, then turn off the heat and infuse with the vanilla pod, previously halved and scraped out. Return the saucepan to the heat. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, wrung out and softened, and the melted white chocolate. Mix again. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Add the cooled cream (approx. 30°C) to the previous mixture and mix gently.

Pour around 85g of mousse onto the speculoos cookie and place in the freezer for around 10 minutes.

Keep the remaining mousse at room temperature, otherwise the gelatin will set in the fridge. Meanwhile, quickly add the speculoos mousse.

Gâteau vanille et spéculoos

Speculoos mousse
✔40g liquid cream
✔50g speculoos paste
✔2g gelatin
✔90g liquid cream 30% min MG

Place the gelatine sheet in a bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the liquid cream with the speculoos paste. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine. Pour the cold cream into a bowl and whip with an electric mixer. Gently stir in the warmed mixture (T at around 30°C).

Pour 85g of speculoos mousse over the vanilla mousse and place in the freezer for 10 minutes. Keep remaining mousse at room temperature.

Gâteau vanille et spéculoos


Alternate layers of vanilla and speculoos. Place in the freezer overnight or for at least 6 hours.

Gâteau vanille et spéculoos
Gâteau vanille et spéculoos
Gâteau vanille et spéculoos

Mirror glaze
✔12.5g water
✔20g white chocolate
✔22.5g sugar
✔22.5g glucose
✔15g cream
✔2g gelatin
✔10g speculoos paste

In a saucepan, heat the sugar, water and glucose. Off the heat, add the gelatine. Pour over the melted chocolate. Add the 15g liquid cream and speculoos paste. Use a hand blender without a bell to smooth the mixture and reduce bubbles. Cover the surface of the cake with the icing. Place in the fridge to set. Carefully remove the frame.

Gâteau vanille et spéculoos

Serve the cake whole or cut into individual slices.

Strawberry cookie

cookie fraise
cookie fraise


Composite strawberry cookie

– cookie dough,
– strawberry caramel,
– strawberry compote,
– strawberry slices.


Cookie dough
✔50g softened butter
✔50g brown sugar
✔35g caster sugar
✔1/2 egg
✔1 pinch salt
✔Liquid vanilla
✔1 teaspoon baking powder
✔110g flour
✔Pink coloring

Strawberry caramel
✔35g liquid cream
✔15g strawberry purée
✔25g powdered sugar
✔10g butter

Strawberry compote
✔65g mixed strawberries
✔5g glucose
✔5g sugar
✔1g pectin NH

+ strawberries

Equipment used

– Tefal baking tray

– Pastry bag

The recipe

For approx. 4 cookies

Cookie dough
✔50g softened butter
✔50g brown sugar
✔35g caster sugar
✔1/2 egg
✔1 pinch salt
✔Liquid vanilla
✔1 teaspoon baking powder
✔110g flour
✔Pink dye

Mix all ingredients together, form into a pudding, wrap and chill for at least 30 minutes.

Make 4 balls and place on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment.

cookie fraise
cookie fraise
cookie fraise

Flatten the balls slightly with the palm of your hand. Bake at 150°C for 8 minutes. Once out of the oven, if your cookies aren’t quite round, use a pastry ring with a larger diameter than your cookies and make circular movements on them.

Place the strawberry slices on top, pressing them in slightly. Bake for at least 8 minutes. The time may vary according to the oven and the texture you wish your cookies to have: soft at the core or well baked.

cookie fraise
cookie fraise
cookie fraise
cookie fraise

Once out of the oven, leave to cool on a wire rack to harden slightly.

cookie fraise

Strawberry compote
✔65g mixed strawberries
✔5g glucose
✔5g sugar
✔1g pectin NH

Mix the powdered sugar and NH pectin in a small bowl. Blend 65g strawberries and pour into a small saucepan. Add the glucose. Heat over low heat for a few minutes, then turn up the heat slightly. As soon as it starts to boil, add the sugar/pectin mixture and cook for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat and set aside to cool slightly, then fill a piping bag with the mixture.

cookie fraise

Strawberry caramel
✔35g liquid cream
✔15g strawberry purée
✔25g powdered sugar
✔10g butter

Blend 15g strawberries. Pour into a small saucepan with 35g cream. Heat for a few minutes. Turn off the heat and set aside.

Pour powdered sugar into a saucepan and heat. As soon as the caramel begins to color, add the butter, cut into pieces. Mix well.

Pour in the heated liquid cream/strawberry coulis mixture in batches. Stir, cook for 3-4 minutes and set aside to cool slightly. Fill a piping bag with the caramel and chill until ready to assemble.

cookie fraise
cookie fraise

Poach the compote and strawberry caramel on the cookies. Add strawberry slices on top. Enjoy …

cookie fraise
cookie fraise
cookie fraise

Blueberry tartlet

Tartelette myrtille
Tartelette myrtille

Blueberry tartlet made with

– sweet pastry,
– pastry cream,
– blueberry compote,
– blueberries,
– mascarpone whipped cream.


Materials used

– Micro-perforated silicone baking mat

– Silikomart rectangular tart ring kit

– Micro-perforated strip

– Pastry bag



Pastry cream
✔130g milk
✔1 yolk
✔15g sugar
✔8g cornflour
✔1 capful rum

Blueberry compote
✔75g blueberries
✔15g sugar
✔1g pectin NH

Sweet dough
✔35 g soft butter
✔65 g flour
✔22g sugar
✔1 pinch salt
✔1 egg yolk

✔Fresh mint leaves
✔Wild blueberries

Mascarpone whipped cream
✔50 g liquid cream
✔50 g mascarpone cheese
✔10g sugar

The recipe

For 3 tarts

Pastry cream
✔130g milk
✔1 yolk
✔15g sugar
✔8g cornflour
✔1 capful rum

Heat the milk. In a bowl, combine the yolks, sugar and cornflour. Pour the hot milk over the yolks. Stir. Pour back into the saucepan. Stir until the cream thickens. Remove from the heat and add the capful of rum. Mix well. Pour into a bowl, strain and chill.

Sweet dough
✔35 g soft butter
✔65 g flour
✔22g sugar
✔1 pinch salt
✔1 egg yolk

Mix all the ingredients together. Roll out the dough thinly between 2 sheets of parchment paper, then chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Press the dough into individual rectangular ring tart molds (optional, I’ve added micro-perforated strips). Place on a baking sheet fitted with a microperforated mat. Place in the freezer for at least 15 minutes. Bake at 165/170°C for 15 to 20 minutes. Leave to cool completely.

Tartelette myrtille
Tartelette myrtille

Blueberry Compote
✔75g blueberries
✔15g sweetener
✔1g NH pectin

Place the blueberries in a saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring regularly, for about 5 minutes. Increase the heat and as soon as it starts to boil, add the sugar and pectin mixture. Cook for one minute, stirring constantly. Turn off the heat and leave to cool to room temperature.


Remove the crème pâtissière from the fridge. Loosen a little and spread inside the tartlets. Spread the blueberry compote over the top.

Tartelette myrtille
Tartelette myrtille

Mascarpone whipped cream
✔50 g liquid cream
✔50 g mascarpone cheese
✔10g sugar

Whip crème fraîche liquide 30% MG minimum with mascarpone and powdered sugar using an electric mixer. Poach the whipped cream onto the tartlet.

Mini strawberry charlotte

Mini charlotte aux fraises
Mini charlotte aux fraises

Mini strawberry charlotte with

– spoon cookies
– Strawberry mousse
– Strawberry jelly
– fresh strawberries and mint leaves

Materials used

– Rhodoid film

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatin

– Baking tray

– Baking paper


Spoon biscuit
✔3 egg whites
✔3 egg yolks
✔90g caster sugar
✔90g flour

Strawberry mousse
✔100g strawberries
✔15g sugar
✔3g gelatin
✔100g liquid cream

Strawberry jelly
✔70g strawberries
✔1 sheet gelatin
✔qq tablespoons water
✔10g sugar (+ or – depending on your strawberries)
✔Red coloring

The recipe

For 4 individual charlottes

Spoon biscuit
✔3 egg whites
✔3 egg yolks
✔90g caster sugar
✔90g flour

Beat the egg whites until stiff, adding the sugar gradually. Then add the egg yolks. Sift in flour. Gently fold in the egg whites using a pastry blender. Poach the sponge cookies and the smaller circles on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake at 180°C for 8 to 10 minutes.

Mini charlotte aux fraises
Mini charlotte aux fraises

Strawberry mousse
✔100g strawberries
✔15g sugar
✔3g gelatin
✔100g liquid cream

Place gelatine leaves in cold water until softened. Heat 100g strawberry coulis (blended strawberries), then remove from heat and add drained gelatin. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Incorporate the previous mixture into the whipped cream and mix gently.


Cut a piece of rhodoïd film to the desired size for your mini charlotte. Secure with a piece of scotch tape. Cut out your sponge cookies and place them inside the film. Add a cookie circle to the bottom.

Mini charlotte aux fraises
Mini charlotte aux fraises

Fill with strawberry mousse, a few diced strawberries and finish with mousse. Place in a cool place for at least 3-4 hours to set.

Mini charlotte aux fraises

Strawberry jelly
✔70g strawberries
✔1 sheet gelatin
✔qq tablespoons water
✔10g sugar (+ or – depending on your strawberries)
✔Red dye

Soften the gelatine sheet in a bowl of cold water. Pour the water, strawberry purée and sugar into a saucepan and heat without boiling. Remove from heat, strain if necessary to remove seeds, and add the wrung-out gelatin and red coloring. Allow to cool slightly before pouring over the mousses. Chill until ready to serve.

Decorate with a few strawberries.

Mini charlotte aux fraises
Mini charlotte aux fraises
Mini charlotte aux fraises

Caramel and popcorn eclair

Eclair caramel popcorn
Eclair caramel popcorn

Caramel and popcorn eclair

– choux pastry,
– caramel custard,
– coloured white fondant,
– popcorn.

Material used

– micro-perforated baking mat

– fluted tip

– pastry bag

– filling tip

– lightning bolt



Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

✔75g caster sugar
✔50g butter
✔50g liquid cream

Pastry cream
✔400g milk
✔60g sugar
✔4 egg yolks
✔20 g cornstarch
✔35 g butter
✔80g caramel

✔115g white fondant
✔30g glucose
✔Caramel coloring


The recipe

For approx. 6 éclairs

✔115g white fondant
✔30g glucose
✔Caramel coloring

Pour all ingredients into saucepan. Heat white fondant to 60°C in double boiler. Add caramel coloring. Mix well. Pour onto silicone tray and place in the freezer for a few hours.

Eclair pistache

✔75g caster sugar
✔50g butter
✔50g liquid cream

Melt the powdered sugar in a saucepan. When the sugar is golden brown and liquid, remove the saucepan from the heat and gradually add the 50g salted butter, sometimes returning to a low heat to mix well. Add 50g of previously heated liquid crème fraîche, to prevent the caramel from hardening.

Eclair caramel popcorn
Eclair caramel popcorn
Eclair caramel popcorn
Eclair caramel popcorn

Pastry cream
✔400g milk
✔60 g sugar
✔4 egg yolks
✔20 g cornstarch
✔35 g butter
✔80g previously made caramel

Heat the milk.

Mix the yolks, sugar and cornflour in a bowl and heat the milk again.
Pour the hot milk over the sugar/yolk mixture. Stir. Pour back into the pan. Stir until thickened. Add the caramel. Mix well. Finally, add the butter, cut into pieces. Set aside in a bowl, filter and chill.

Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

+powdered sugar and cocoa butter

Heat the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the flour all at once. Mix well to dry out the dough for 2 to 3 minutes.

Add the beaten eggs gradually, mixing well between each egg.

Poach the éclairs on a baking sheet lined with a microperforated baking mat, using a fluted tip. Sprinkle with a mixture of powdered sugar and cocoa butter powder. Bake at 175°C for 35 to 40 minutes (time may vary according to oven). Place a tea towel over the oven door to allow steam to escape, then cool on a wire rack.

Eclair caramel popcorn
Eclair caramel popcorn


Pour a little oil and a few corn seeds into a saucepan. Cover with a lid and heat until all the seeds burst.

Place the popcorns in a pan with the remaining caramel. Heat and stir to coat all popcorns. Place on a baking tray or sheet of baking paper to cool, trying to separate them as much as possible.

Eclair caramel popcorn


Remove the crème pâtissière from the fridge. Loosen it a little with a spatula, then fill a pastry bag fitted with a pastry tip. Make two small holes under each éclair and top with cream. Top each éclair with fondant. Decorate with caramelized popcorns at the last minute, before serving, otherwise they will soften in the fridge.

Strawberry and mint tartlet

Tartelette fraise menthe
Tartelette fraise menthe

Strawberry and mint tartlet

– coloured sweet pastry,
– almond cream,
– whipped mint cream,
– strawberries and mint leaves.

Materials used

– Micro-perforated silicone baking mat

– Micro-perforated strip

– Silikomart tart ring Klassik 70mm mould


Sweet dough
✔110g flour
✔20g almond powder
✔30g sugar
✔70g butter
✔1 yellow
✔1 pinch of salt
✔Colorant pink

Almond cream
✔35g almond powder
✔35g softened butter
✔35g sugar
✔35g egg

Mint Chantilly
✔100g liquid cream (80g)
✔40g cream
✔2 drops mint flavoring
✔10g mint leaf
✔80g mascarpone cheese
✔20g caster sugar

The recipe

For 5 tarts

Sweet pastry
✔110g flour
✔20g almond powder
✔30g sugar
✔70g butter
✔1 yellow
✔1 pinch of salt
✔Pink dye

Mix all ingredients together, film and chill in the fridge for 1 hour. Roll out the dough between two sheets of baking paper, then cut out circles and strips. Line tartlet molds (optional, use microperforated strips inside your tartlet molds) then place in the freezer for 10 minutes while you preheat your oven to 170°C.

Tartelette fraise menthe
Tartelette fraise menthe

Almond cream
✔35g almond powder
✔35g softened butter
✔35g sugar
✔35g egg

Cream the butter with the sugar. Add almond powder and egg. Mix well. Remove from freezer and garnish tartlets. Add a few slices of strawberry. Bake at 175°C for approx. 20 minutes. Leave to cool completely.

Tartelette fraise menthe
Tartelette fraise menthe
Tartelette fraise menthe

Mint Chantilly
✔100g single cream (80g)
✔40g cream
✔2 drops mint flavoring
✔10g mint leaf
✔80g mascarpone cheese
✔20g caster sugar

Pour 100g liquid cream into a saucepan and heat. Stop as soon as it starts to boil. Add the mint leaves, cover and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.

Strain the cream, squeezing out as much of the leaves as possible. Top up with 40g of liquid cream. Strain and chill for at least 3-4 hours.

Recover the chilled cream, add the mascarpone and 2 or 3 drops of mint flavoring. Whip the cream with an electric mixer. Gradually add the powdered sugar. Fill a piping bag fitted with a piping tip and poach onto the cooled tartlets. Use a spatula to smooth the edges if necessary.

Garnish with chopped strawberries and fresh mint leaves.

Chill until ready to eat.

Yellow peach and vanilla cake

Gâteau pêche jaune et vanille
Gâteau pêche jaune et vanille

Yellow peach and vanilla cake

– an almond cookie,
– a yellow peach mousse,
– vanilla mousse,
– peach jelly.


Material used

– Rectangular frame 20X11x4.5 cm

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatin

– Tefal baking tray

– Baking paper

– Angled spatula


Almond cookie
✔65g almond powder
✔65g powdered sugar
✔14g flour
✔20g melted butter
✔1 egg
✔100g egg whites

Peach jelly

Peach mousse
✔Liquid cream
✔Yellow peach
✔Egg yolks
✔Orange coloring

Vanilla mousse
✔Liquid cream
✔White chocolate

The recipe

Almond cookie
✔65g almond powder
✔65g powdered sugar
✔14g flour
✔20g melted butter
✔1 egg
✔100g egg whites

Place the sugar, almond powder and flour in a bowl. Mix well. Add egg and melted butter. Beat the egg whites with an electric mixer. Incorporate ⅓ of the whites into the batter and mix to soften. Add the rest and mix gently. Pour onto a baking sheet, smoothing the surface. Bake at 180°C for 10 to 12 minutes. Leave to cool, then cut out a 20×11 cm rectangle to fit your pastry frame.

Gâteau pêche jaune et vanille
Gâteau pêche jaune et vanille
Gâteau pêche jaune et vanille

The rest of the recipe is available in the recipe card on sale in my store. You can also find this recipe in my latest Ebook – Gâteaux saveurs estivales 2024.

Paris-Brest coffee praline eclair

Eclair Paris-Brest praliné café
Eclair Paris-Brest praliné café

Paris-Brest coffee praline eclair made from

– choux pastry,
– cracker,
– coffee mousseline cream,
– hazelnut and almond praline,
– chopped hazelnuts and almonds.



Materials used

– Micro-perforated silicone baking mat

– Ancel 240 bloom gelatin

– Pastry bags

– Plain tip


Hazelnut and almond praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔100g almonds
✔100g caster sugar

For the cracker
✔60g butter
✔60g flour
✔60g brown sugar
✔A few chopped hazelnuts and almonds

Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

Coffee mousseline cream
✔220ml milk
✔35g sugar
✔50g egg yolks
✔25g cornflour
✔20g butter
✔1 sheet gelatin
✔140g softened butter
✔Coffee extract

The recipe

For 3-4 Paris-Brest

Hazelnut and almond praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔100g almonds
✔100g caster sugar

Pour the hazelnuts and almonds onto a baking tray and bake at 150°C for 15 minutes. Pour the powdered sugar into a saucepan and make a caramel. Pour onto a sheet of parchment paper and leave to cool. Place the hazelnuts (having first rubbed them to remove as much skin as possible), almonds and chopped caramel in the bowl of a blender and blend until praline is obtained. Store in a closed container. You’ll have plenty of praline left over for other recipes.

For the cracker
✔60g butter
✔60g flour
✔60g brown sugar
A few chopped hazelnuts and almonds

Mix all ingredients, spread between two sheets, place in the freezer for a few minutes, then cut to the size of your éclair. Sprinkle chopped almonds and hazelnuts over the top. Return to the freezer.

Eclair Paris-Brest praliné café

For the choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

Heat the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar in a saucepan. Remove from heat and add flour all at once. Mix well to dry out the dough for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the beaten eggs gradually, mixing well between each egg. Poach 6 puffs in a row on a baking sheet lined with silpain. Add the crackers. Bake in a static-heat oven at 170°C for approx. 45 minutes (time may vary according to oven). Leave to cool.

Eclair Paris-Brest praliné café
Eclair Paris-Brest praliné café

Coffee mousseline cream
✔220ml milk
✔35g sugar
✔50g egg yolks
✔25g cornflour
✔20g butter
✔1 sheet gelatin
✔140g softened butter
✔Coffee extract

Heat the milk in a saucepan. In a bowl, mix yolks, sugar and cornflour. Pour over the hot milk. Return to the saucepan and heat, stirring constantly, until the cream thickens. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, previously softened in a bowl of cold water, and the butter (20g). Place in a cool place. Work the 140g of butter into the cooled cream, then add the coffee (according to desired intensity). Mix well. Fill a pastry bag fitted with a plain tip.

Cut the éclairs lengthwise, poach a little praline with a piping bag, then the crème mousseline with a plain tip. Place the caps on top.

Eclair Paris-Brest praliné café
Eclair Paris-Brest praliné café
Eclair Paris-Brest praliné café

Strawberry cake with ganache mounted

Fraisier ganache montée
Fraisier ganache montée

Strawberry cake with ganache mounted

– sponge cake soaked in syrup,
– ganache.
– fresh strawberries,
– mascarpone whipped cream.


Materials used

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatin

– Tefal baking tray

– Baking paper

– Angled spatula

– Rhodoïd film 4.5cm high

– Square frame 12X12x4.5 cm

– Fluted socket



The sponge cake
✔2 eggs
✔55 g sugar
✔25 g flour
✔25 g cornflour

Mounted ganache
✔100g white chocolate
✔50g hot liquid cream
✔150g cold liquid cream
✔2g gelatine

Mascarpone whipped cream
✔100g liquid cream
✔50g mascarpone
✔15g powdered sugar

Assembly and decoration
✔Syrup (30g water, 30g sugar, 1 cap alcohol)

The recipe

Serves about 4 to 6

The sponge cake
✔2 eggs
✔55 g sugar
✔25 g flour
✔25 g cornflour

Whisk the eggs and sugar in a bowl, place in a bain-marie and whisk until 55°C. Pour into the bowl of a food processor and whisk until completely cool. The mixture will double in volume. Sift in the flour and cornflour and stir gently. Bake in a preheated oven at 210°C, then immediately lower the temperature to 190°C for 12 to 15 minutes.

Fraisier ganache montée
Fraisier ganache montée

After cooling, peel off the baking paper and cut out two rectangles slightly smaller than your square frame to make room for the strawberries. Place the first cookie at the bottom of your frame.

Fraisier ganache montée
Fraisier ganache montée

Mounted ganache
✔100g white chocolate
✔50g hot liquid cream
✔150g cold liquid cream
✔2g gelatine

Place the gelatine sheet in a large bowl of cold water. Heat the 50g liquid cream in a saucepan. Turn off the heat and add the softened gelatin. Melt the white chocolate in the microwave and add the hot cream. Mix well. Top up with the cold cream. Mix again. Set aside in a bowl, filter on contact and chill for at least 4 hours.

Place a 12 cm pastry frame on your plate. Cover with rhodoïd film. Arrange strawberries, cut in 2, all around. Place the first sponge cake on the bottom. Brush the sponge cake with syrup. Pour 30g caster sugar and 30g water into a small saucepan and heat until boiling. Remove from heat and add a small capful of alcohol.

Mix well. Take the ganache from the fridge, beat it with an electric mixer and fill a piping bag with it. Poach some ganache, a few strawberries cut into pieces, some ganache, the second sponge cake soaked in syrup, then finish with a little cream. Smooth with an angled spatula, then set aside in a cool place for at least 4 hours to allow the butter to harden and give your strawberry cake a firm hold.

Fraisier ganache montée
Fraisier ganache montée

Mascarpone whipped cream
✔100g liquid cream
✔50g mascarpone
✔15g powdered sugar

Whip the cold cream with the mascarpone using an electric mixer. Gradually add powdered sugar. Fill a piping bag fitted with a fluted tip and poach the whipped cream on top. Garnish with strawberries.

Blueberry eclair

Eclair myrtilles
Eclair myrtilles

Blueberry eclair made with

– choux pastry,
– pastry cream,
– blueberry compote,
– coloured white fondant.

Material used

– micro-perforated baking mat

– fluted tip

– pastry bag

– filling tip

– lightning bolt



Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

Blueberry custard cream
✔400g milk
✔60 g sugar
✔4 egg yolks
✔20 g cornflour
✔35 g butter
✔60g blueberry coulis

Blueberry Compote
✔60g blueberries
✔10g powdered sugar
✔1g NH pectin

✔115g White fondant
✔30g glucose
✔Color purple

The recipe

For approx. 6 éclairs

✔115g white fondant
✔30g glucose
✔Color violet

Pour all ingredients into saucepan. Heat white fondant to 60°C in double boiler. Add violet colorant. Mix well. Pour onto silicone tray and place in the freezer for a few hours.

Eclair pistache
Eclair myrtilles

Blueberry custard cream
✔400g milk
✔60 g sugar
✔4 egg yolks
✔20 g cornflour
✔35 g butter
✔60g blueberry coulis

Heat milk.

Mix the yolks, sugar and cornflour in a bowl, then reheat the milk.
Pour hot milk over sugar/yolk mixture. Stir. Pour back into saucepan. Stir until thickened. Add blueberry coulis (blend blueberries). Mix well. Set aside in a bowl, filter and chill.

Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

+powdered sugar and cocoa butter

Heat the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the flour all at once. Mix well to dry out the dough for 2 to 3 minutes.

Add the beaten eggs gradually, mixing well between each egg.

Poach the éclairs on a baking sheet lined with a microperforated baking mat, using a fluted tip. Sprinkle with a mixture of powdered sugar and cocoa butter powder. Bake at 175°C for 35 to 40 minutes (time may vary according to oven). Place a tea towel over the oven door to allow steam to escape, then cool on a wire rack.

Eclair œuf au plat
Eclair myrtilles

Blueberry Compote
✔60g blueberries
✔10g powdered sugar
✔1g NH pectin

In a saucepan, cook the blueberries over low heat for a few minutes. Then increase the heat, add the sugar and pectin mixture. Cook for two minutes, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat. Fill a piping bag with the mixture and set aside.


Remove the crème pâtissière from the fridge. Loosen it a little with a spatula, then fill a pastry bag fitted with a pastry tip. Make two small holes under each éclair and top with cream, then blueberry compote. Place the fondant on each éclair. Set aside in a cool place.

Eclair myrtilles
Eclair myrtilles

I decorated it with mint leaves, a fresh blueberry and a Lobularia flower.
