Apple, rum and raisin cake

Gâteau pommes, rhum et raisins

Apple, rum and raisin cake made of

– an almond biscuit,
– an apple compote,
– a rum bavaroise,
– and a grape jelly.

Full paid recipe (ebook autumn

Material used

– Rectangular pastry frame 20X10cm

– Ancel 210 Bloom gelatin (gold quality)



Almond biscuit
✔65g caster sugar
✔65g almond powder
✔15g flour
✔100g egg whites
✔25g caster sugar

Grape jelly
✔grape juice

Apple compote
✔Apple cut into small cubes

Rum bavaroise
✔egg yolks
✔liquid cream

Sweet dough 
✔70g flour
✔20g icing sugar
✔30g butter
✔1 egg yolk
✔1 pinch of salt

The recipe

Almond biscuit
✔65g caster sugar
✔65g almond powder
✔15g flour
✔100g egg whites
✔25g caster sugar

In a bowl mix the powders together. Beat the egg whites until stiff with the powdered sugar. Take a small portion of the egg whites and mix to loosen the mixture. Add the remaining whites, stirring gently with a spatula. Pour the mixture onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and sprinkle with icing sugar. Bake at 170°C for 14-15 minutes. Leave to cool and then cut out a 20X10cm rectangle. Place your rectangular frame on a dish and place the almond biscuit on the bottom.

Apple compote
✔Apple cut into small cubes

In a saucepan, pour the applesauce (apples cooked in pieces in water with a little vanilla and then blended) and water. You can add a little sugar if it is not sweet enough. Heat up. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, previously softened in a bowl of cold water and squeezed dry then the apples cut into small cubes.. Mix and pour over your almond biscuit.

Rum bavaroise
✔egg yolks
✔liquid cream

In a saucepan, pour the milk and cream and heat. In a bowl, pour the yolks and sugar and mix them. Gradually pour in the milk and hot cream. Stir and pour back into the pan. Cook without stopping stirring until it thickens. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, previously softened in a bowl of cold water and squeezed dry, and the rum. Pour into a bowl, strain and chill until completely cool. Beat the cold cream with an electric mixer and add it to the cooled cream. Mix with a spatula and pour over the apple compote. Place in the freezer overnight.

Grape jelly
✔grape juice

In a bowl of cold water, place the gelatine sheets. Extract the grape juice from a bunch of white grapes by removing the skin and seeds. Pour this juice into a saucepan and add powdered sugar. Heat up. When it boils, remove from the heat and add the gelatine. Allow to cool slightly and as soon as the mixture is below 40°C pour it over the cake just taken out of the freezer. Place in a cool place.

Carefully remove the frame and cut 0.5 cm off each side of the cake so that the layers are well defined. Cut into individual slices and thaw in the refrigerator.

Gâteau pommes, rhum et raisins
Gâteau pommes, rhum et raisins
Gâteau pommes, rhum et raisins
Gâteau pommes, rhum et raisins

Sweet dough 
✔70g flour
✔20g icing sugar
✔30g butter
✔1 egg yolk
✔1 pinch of salt

Mix all the ingredients together, roll out and put in the fridge. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin and cut out with a cookie cutter in the shape of an apple. Place in the freezer for a few minutes while you preheat your oven to 180°C. Place your pastry on a baking tray between two micro-perforated baking mats. Place in the oven for about ten minutes. Leave to cool.

Gâteau pommes, rhum et raisins
Gâteau pommes, rhum et raisins
Gâteau pommes, rhum et raisins

Pear, praline and hazelnut entremet

Entremet poires, praliné et noisettes

Pear, praline and hazelnut entremet composed of

– a sweet hazelnut pastry,
– a hazelnut biscuit,
– a praline insert,
– a pear mousse,
– velvet spray.

Materials used

– Pavoni pear mould 5.3 X 7 cm

Silikomart tartufino mould

– Ancel 210 Bloom gelatine (gold quality)

Tapis de cuisson silikomart

For 8 small pears

Homemade hazelnut praline (The day before)
✔100g hazelnuts
✔50g caster sugar
Pour the hazelnuts onto a baking tray and bake at 150°C for 15 minutes.
In a saucepan, pour the caster sugar and make a caramel. When the caramel has a nice colour, pour it onto a sheet of baking paper and leave to cool. Place the hazelnuts (having rubbed them to remove the skin) and the cooled caramel, cut into pieces, in the bowl of a blender and blend until you obtain the hazelnut praline. You will have some praline left over for other recipes.

Praline insert
Fill the Silikomart Tartufino mould with hazelnut praline and place in the freezer for at least 3 to 4 hours.

Hazelnut biscuit (the day before)
✔10g butter
✔35g hazelnut powder
✔35g icing sugar
✔7g flour
✔25g egg
✔1 egg white
Make a hazelnut butter. In a saucepan, melt the butter until it takes on a nice nutty colour and smell. Set aside. In a bowl, mix the whole egg with the icing sugar. Add the hazelnut powder, flour and melted butter. Mix well. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with the powdered sugar. Gently fold them into the mixture with a spatula. Pour the biscuit dough onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake the biscuit for 8 to 10 minutes at 180°C. Remove the biscuit from the oven and allow it to cool before cutting it out with a round cookie cutter to fit the diameter of your silicone mould opening.

Entremet poires et noisettes
Entremet poires et noisettes

Pear mousse (the day before)
✔160g ripe pears, mixed
✔100g of liquid cream 30% MG minimum
✔3g gelatine

Place the gelatine in a large bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the mixed pears. Off the heat, add the wrung out and softened gelatin. Set aside.
In a bowl, pour the cold cream and whip it with an electric mixer. Add and stir gently the previous mixture.

Assembly (the day before)
Pour some of the pear mousse into the Pavoni mould. Assemble the pear insert halves in pairs and place them in the pear mould. Add a little pear mousse and finish with the hazelnut biscuit.

Entremet poires et noisettes
Entremet poires et noisettes
Entremet poires et noisettes
Entremet poires et noisettes
Entremet poires et noisettes

Hazelnut sweet pastry (The day after)
✔50g flour
✔20g hazelnut powder
✔30g sugar
✔40g butter
✔1 yolk

Mix all the ingredients together, film and put in the fridge. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin and cut out with a cookie cutter. Place in the freezer for a few minutes while you preheat your oven to 180°C. Place your pastry on a baking tray between two micro-perforated baking mats. Place in the oven for about ten minutes. Leave to cool.

Entremet poires et noisettes
Entremet poires et noisettes
Entremet poires et noisettes
Entremet poires et noisettes

Take the frozen pears out and apply the velvet sprays (yellow, brown) immediately. Place each pear on a hazelnut sweet biscuit. Place in the fridge while defrosting (2 hours). I decorated with tails made with milk chocolate and fresh mint leaves.

Pear and chocolate cake

Gâteau poires et chocolat

Pear and chocolate cake made of

– a hazelnut biscuit,
– a chocolate praline crunch,
– a milk chocolate mousse,
– a pear mousse,
– a pear jelly.

Material used

– Rectangular pastry frame 20X10cm


For 5 to 6 people

Hazelnut biscuit
✔65g icing sugar
✔1 egg
✔65g hazelnut powder
✔19 g butter
✔15 g flour
✔15g caster sugar
✔2 egg whites

Melt the butter. In a bowl, mix the whole egg with the icing sugar. Add the hazelnut powder, flour and melted butter. Mix well.
In another bowl, beat the egg whites with the powdered sugar. Gently fold them into the mixture using a spatula. Pour the biscuit dough onto a baking tray covered with baking paper. Bake the biscuit for about 10 minutes at 170°C. Remove the biscuit from the oven and allow it to cool before peeling it off the paper and cutting it into a rectangle of 20X10cm.

Chocolate and praline crisp
✔100g chocolate praline
✔10g butter
✔25g of crêpes dentelles

Melt the chocolate and butter (you can use praline chocolate or make half and half (50g and 50g) with milk chocolate and home-made praline). Add the crêpes dentelles. Mix gently. Spread on the hazelnut biscuit and put in the freezer.

Chocolate mousse
✔2 sheets of gelatine
✔130g cream
✔1 yolk
✔15g sugar
✔60ml milk
✔100g milk chocolate

Soften the gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water. Mix the egg yolks with the caster sugar in a bowl. Heat the milk in a saucepan. Remove from the heat, and pour over the egg yolk mixture, stirring. Return the mixture to the saucepan over the heat and cook over a low heat until it reaches 82ºC. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, stirring well. Pour this hot custard over the chocolate, stirring with a whisk until melted. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with a mixer and add it to the custard in two or three batches, mixing gently with a spatula each time. Pour over the praline crumble (about 265g) and place in the freezer.

Pear mousse
✔2 sheets of gelatine
✔140g pear purée
✔150g cold liquid cream
✔15g icing sugar

Soften the gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water. Heat the pear purée in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the wrung-out and softened gelatine, stirring well. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with a mixer, adding the icing sugar. Add the cooled pear puree and pour over the chocolate mousse (about 265g). Put back in the freezer overnight.

Pear jelly
✔125g pear purée
✔25g caster sugar (only if the pears are unsweetened)
✔3g gelatine
✔+ a little water (if necessary, only if too thick)

Soften the gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, pour the water, pear puree and sugar and heat without boiling. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine. Allow to cool and then pour over the frozen cake. Leave in the fridge until the jelly sets. Carefully remove the frame and cut 0.5 cm off each side of the cake so that the layers are well defined. Cut out individual slices, decorate and then leave to thaw in the fridge for at least 3 hours.

Gâteau poires et chocolat
Gâteau poires et chocolat
Gâteau poires et chocolat
Gâteau poires et chocolat
Gâteau poires et chocolat

Paris Brest


Paris Brest composé

– de pâte à choux,
– de crème mousseline praliné,
– de praliné noisettes.

English recipe here

Matériel utilisé

– tapis de cuisson micro-perforé X2
– cercle à entremet (8cm de diamètre)
– bande micro perforée

bande forosil

Pour 5 Paris Brest

✔50g de beurre
✔50g de farine
✔50g de Cassonade
Mélanger l’ensemble des ingrédients, étaler entre deux feuilles de papier cuisson, placer quelques minutes au congélateur puis détailler des cercles du diamètre de vos cercles à entremet.

Pâte à choux
✔60g‌‌ ‌‌d’eau‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
✔60g‌‌ ‌‌de‌‌ ‌‌lait‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
✔70g‌‌ ‌‌de‌‌ ‌‌farine‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
✔55g‌‌ ‌‌de‌‌ ‌‌beurre‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
✔Du‌‌ ‌‌sel‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
✔1‌‌ ‌‌cuillère‌‌ ‌‌à‌‌ ‌‌café‌‌ ‌‌de‌‌ ‌‌sucre‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
✔2‌‌ ‌‌ou‌‌ ‌‌3‌‌ ‌‌œufs‌‌ ‌‌(suivant‌‌ ‌‌leur‌‌ ‌‌grosseur)‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
‌‌‌ ‌Dans‌‌ ‌‌une‌‌ ‌‌casserole‌‌ ‌‌faire‌‌ ‌‌chauffer‌‌ ‌‌l’eau,‌‌ ‌‌le‌‌ ‌‌lait,‌‌ ‌‌le‌‌ ‌‌beurre,‌‌ ‌‌le‌‌ ‌‌sel‌‌ ‌‌et‌‌ ‌‌le‌‌ ‌‌sucre.‌‌ ‌‌Hors‌‌ ‌‌du‌‌ ‌‌feu‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌ajouter‌‌ ‌‌en‌‌ ‌‌une‌‌ ‌‌fois‌‌ ‌‌la‌‌ ‌‌farine.‌‌ ‌‌Bien‌‌ ‌‌mélanger‌‌ ‌‌pour‌‌ ‌‌dessécher‌‌ ‌‌la‌‌ ‌‌pâte‌‌ ‌‌pendant‌‌ ‌‌2‌‌ ‌‌à‌‌ ‌‌3‌‌ ‌‌min.‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
Incorporer‌‌ ‌‌les‌‌ ‌‌œufs‌‌ ‌‌battus‌‌ ‌‌progressivement‌‌ ‌‌en‌‌ ‌‌mélangeant‌‌ ‌‌bien‌‌ ‌‌entre‌‌ ‌‌chaque‌‌ ‌‌œuf.‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌Pocher‌‌ sur‌‌ ‌‌une‌‌ ‌‌plaque‌‌ ‌‌de‌‌ ‌‌cuisson‌‌ à l’intérieur de cercle à entremet garni d’une bande de cuisson micro perforé (50g par cercle) .‌‌ Ne pas dépasser la mi hauteur du cercle. ‌‌Ajouter sur le dessus le disque de craquelin. Déposer un deuxième tapis micro perforé sur le dessus, une plaque de cuisson avec du poids dessus. Enfourner‌‌ ‌‌à‌‌ ‌‌180°C‌‌ ‌‌‌pendant‌‌ ‌‌50 ‌‌min.‌‌ ‌‌Laisser‌‌ ‌‌refroidir‌‌.‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌


Crème pâtissière
✔250g de lait
✔50g de sucre en poudre
✔3 jaunes d’oeufs
✔25g de poudre à crème
✔50g de beurre
Faire‌ ‌chauffer‌ ‌le‌ ‌lait‌. ‌Dans‌ ‌un‌ ‌bol‌ ‌mélangez‌ ‌les‌ ‌jaunes,‌ ‌le‌ ‌sucre,‌ ‌la‌ poudre à crème.‌ ‌Versez‌ ‌le‌ ‌lait‌ ‌chaud‌ ‌dessus.‌ ‌Remuer.‌ ‌Verser‌ ‌à‌ ‌nouveau‌ ‌dans‌ ‌la‌ ‌casserole.‌ ‌Remuez‌ ‌jusqu’à‌ ‌épaississement.‌ ‌Ajouter hors du feu le beurre coupé en morceaux. Mélanger. Verser dans un bol, filmer celui-ci et réserver‌ ‌au‌ ‌frais.‌

Praliné noisettes maison
✔130g de noisettes
✔65g de sucre en poudre
Verser les noisettes sur une plaque de cuisson et enfourner à 150°C pendant 15 minutes.
Dans une casserole, verser le sucre en poudre et réaliser un caramel. Verser celui-ci lorsqu’il a une belle couleur sur une feuille de papier sulfurisé et laisser refroidir. Placer les noisettes (en ayant frottées celles-ci pour enlever la peau) et le caramel refroidi, coupé en morceaux, dans le bol du mixeur et mixer jusqu’à obtenir le praliné noisettes.


Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné

Crème mousseline praliné noisettes
✔Crème pâtissière réalisée précédemment
✔160 g de praliné noisettes maison
✔250 g de beurre pommade

Dans le bol de crème pâtissière ajouter le praliné et mélanger au batteur électrique. Ajouter ensuite progressivement le beurre préalablement fouetté.

Découper le centre des choux. Garnir de crème mousseline à mi hauteur. Ajouter un petit peu de praliné noisettes et terminer par de nouveau de la crème mousseline. Parsemer de sucre glace tout autour et décorer d’amandes effilées et de noisettes.


Paris Brest


Paris Brest composed of

– choux pastry
– praline mousseline cream,
– hazelnut praline.


Material used

– micro-perforated baking mat X2
– entremet circle
– micro-perforated belt

bande forosil

For 5 Paris Brest

✔50g butter
✔50g flour
✔50g brown sugar
Mix all the ingredients together, spread between two sheets of baking paper, place in the freezer for a few minutes and then cut out circles the diameter of your entremet circles.

Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on their size)
In a saucepan heat the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar. Off the heat add the flour all at once. Mix well to dry out the dough for 2 to 3 mins.
Add the beaten eggs gradually, mixing well between each egg. Poach on a baking sheet inside a baking circle lined with a micro perforated baking strip (50g per circle). Add the cracker disk on top. Place a second micro perforated baking mat on top, a baking tray with weight on it. Bake at 180°C for 50 minutes and leave to cool.


Pastry cream
✔250g milk
✔50g caster sugar
✔3 egg yolks
✔25g cream powder
✔50g butter
Heat the milk. In a bowl mix the yolks, sugar, cream powder.Pour the hot milk over it.Stir.Pour back into the pan.Stir until thickened.Out of the heat add the butter cut into pieces. Stir. Pour into a bowl, filter it and keep it cool.

Homemade hazelnut praline
✔130g hazelnuts
✔65g caster sugar
Pour the hazelnuts onto a baking tray and bake at 150°C for 15 minutes.
In a saucepan, pour the caster sugar and make a caramel. When the caramel has a nice colour, pour it onto a sheet of baking paper and leave to cool. Place the hazelnuts (having rubbed them to remove the skin) and the cooled caramel, cut into pieces, in the bowl of a blender and blend until you obtain the hazelnut praline.

Hazelnut praline mousseline cream
✔Custard cream made previously
✔160 g homemade hazelnut praline
✔250 g butter

In the pastry cream bowl add the praline and mix with an electric mixer. Then gradually add the previously whipped butter.

Cut out the centre of the choux. Garnish with the mousseline cream to the middle. Add a little hazelnut praline and finish with more mousseline cream. Sprinkle with icing sugar all around and decorate with flaked almonds and hazelnuts.


Pears and praline tartlet

Pear and praline tartlet composed of

– a sweet pastry,
– almond cream,
– homemade praline,
– diced pears,
– pear mousse,
– a pear topping,
– a tuile.


Material used

– Klassik Silikomart tart ring mould

– Micro perforated silicone baking mat

– Forosil strip

– Pavoni silicone mould

bande forosil
cercle tarte 21cm


Homemade praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔100g almonds
✔100g caster sugar

Pear mousse (the day before)
✔120g pears
✔20g icing sugar
✔2g gelatine (210 bloom)
✔90g of liquid cream 30% MG

Almond cream
✔30g butter, ointment
✔30g almond powder
✔30g caster sugar
✔30g egg

Sweet dough
✔70g soft butter
✔130g flour
✔45 g icing sugar
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 egg yolk


18-20 minutes

Pear topping
✔140g mixed pears
✔20g sugar
✔2g NH pectin

Tuile feuille
✔25g sugar
✔12g flour
✔12g melted butter
✔15g egg white

The recipe

Homemade praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔100g almonds
✔100g caster sugar

Pour the hazelnuts and almonds onto a baking tray and bake at 150°C for 15 minutes. In a saucepan, pour the caster sugar and make a caramel. When the caramel has a nice colour, pour it onto a sheet of baking paper and leave to cool, then cut into pieces. Place the hazelnuts (having rubbed them to remove the skin), the almonds and the cooled caramel in the bowl of a blender and blend until you have a hazelnut/almond praline. You will have some praline left over for other recipes.

Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné

Pear mousse (the day before)
✔120g pears
✔20g icing sugar
✔2g gelatine (210 bloom)
✔90g liquid cream 30% MG
Put the gelatine in a bowl of cold water. Heat the pear puree in a saucepan and add the drained gelatine off the heat. Mix well and set aside. Whip the cream with the sugar. Stir the whipped cream into the pear purée and fill the Klassik silicone ring mould and place in the freezer.

Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné

Almond cream
✔30g butter, ointment
✔30g almond powder
✔30g caster sugar
✔30g egg
Work the softened butter with the sugar. Add the almond powder and the eggs. Mix and set aside.

Sweet dough
✔70 g soft butter
✔130 g flour
✔45 g icing sugar
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 egg yolk
Mix all the ingredients together, roll out and place in a cool place. Roll out the pastry thinly between 2 sheets of baking paper. Line the Silikomart tartlet circles, having previously placed a Forosil strip in the mould and prick the pastry with a fork. Place in the freezer while you preheat your oven. Divide the almond cream between the tarts. Bake the tarts on a micro perforated baking mat at 165° for about 18 to 20 minutes. Leave to cool.

Pear topping
✔140g mixed pears
✔20g sugar
✔2g NH pectin
In a saucepan, pour the mixed pears and heat through. In a small bowl, mix the sugar and pectin. Add this mixture to the pan and mix well. Bring to the boil and cook for 1 minute. Allow to cool.

Tuile plume
✔25g sugar
✔12g flour
✔12g melted butter
✔15g egg white
Mix all the ingredients together. Line a baking tin (in this case the Pavoni brand tin used). Place in the oven at 170 °C. Keep an eye on the cooking time as it is very quick 6 to 8 minutes. Turn out of the oven. Be careful, they harden very quickly.

Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné

Place a spoonful of praline in each tartlet, followed by pieces of pear cut into small pieces.

Frost the frozen pear mousse when the glaze is below 40°C and place on the tartlets. Decorate with almonds all around the tartlet. Place in a cool place until ready to eat. Place the tuile on the tartlet just before serving.

Pear and praline tartlet

Pear and praline tartlet composed of

– a sweet pastry,
– almond cream,
– homemade praline,
– diced pears,
– pear mousse,
– a pear topping,
– a tuile.


Material used

– Klassik Silikomart tart ring mould

– Micro perforated silicone baking mat

– Forosil strip

– Pavoni Plume silicone mould

bande forosil


Homemade praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔100g almonds
✔100g caster sugar

Pear mousse (the day before)
✔120g pears
✔20g icing sugar
✔2g gelatine (210 bloom)
✔90g liquid cream 30% MG

Almond cream
✔30g butter, ointment
✔30g almond powder
✔30g caster sugar
✔30g egg

Sweet dough
✔70 g soft butter
✔130 g flour
✔45 g icing sugar
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 egg yolk

Pear topping
✔140g mixed pears
✔20g sugar
✔2g NH pectin

Tuile plume
✔25g sugar
✔12g flour
✔12g melted butter
✔15g egg white

The recipe

For 4-5 tarts

Homemade praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔100g almonds
✔100g caster sugar

Pour the hazelnuts and almonds onto a baking tray and bake at 150°C for 15 minutes. In a saucepan, pour the caster sugar and make a caramel. When the caramel has a nice colour, pour it onto a sheet of baking paper and leave to cool, then cut into pieces. Place the hazelnuts (having rubbed them to remove the skin), the almonds and the cooled caramel in the bowl of a blender and blend until you have a hazelnut/almond praline. You will have some praline left over for other recipes.

Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné

Pear mousse (the day before)
✔120g pears
✔20g icing sugar
✔2g gelatine (210 bloom)
✔90g liquid cream 30% MG
Put the gelatine in a bowl of cold water. Heat the pear puree in a saucepan and add the drained gelatine off the heat. Mix well and set aside. Whip the cream with the sugar. Stir the whipped cream into the pear purée and fill the Klassik silicone ring mould and place in the freezer.

Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné

Almond cream
✔30g butter, ointment
✔30g almond powder
✔30g caster sugar
✔30g egg
Work the softened butter with the sugar. Add the almond powder and the eggs. Mix and set aside.

Sweet dough
✔70 g soft butter
✔130 g flour
✔45 g icing sugar
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 egg yolk
Mix all the ingredients together, roll out and place in a cool place. Roll out the pastry thinly between 2 sheets of baking paper. Line the Silikomart tartlet circles, having previously placed a Forosil strip in the mould and prick the pastry with a fork. Place in the freezer while you preheat your oven. Divide the almond cream between the tarts. Bake the tarts on a micro perforated baking mat at 165° for about 18 to 20 minutes. Leave to cool.

Pear topping
✔140g mixed pears
✔20g sugar
✔2g NH pectin
In a saucepan, pour the mixed pears and heat through. In a small bowl, mix the sugar and pectin. Add this mixture to the pan and mix well. Bring to the boil and cook for 1 minute. Allow to cool.

Tuile plume
✔25g sugar
✔12g flour
✔12g melted butter
✔15g egg white
Mix all the ingredients together. Line a baking tin (in this case the Pavoni brand tin used). Place in the oven at 170 °C. Keep an eye on the cooking time as it is very quick 6 to 8 minutes. Turn out of the oven. Be careful, they harden very quickly.

Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné

Place a spoonful of praline in each tartlet, followed by pieces of pear cut into small pieces.

Frost the frozen pear mousse when the glaze is below 40°C and place on the tartlets. Decorate with almonds all around the tartlet. Place in a cool place until ready to eat. Place the tuile on the tartlet just before serving.

Blueberry Entremet

Entremet myrtilles et meringue

Blueberry and meringue entremet composed of

– a sweet pastry biscuit,
– a blueberry mousse,
– a meringue insert,
– blueberries and mint leaves.


Material used

– micro-perforated baking mat
– silikomart mini-dot X6 mould

For 4 to 5 desserts

✔50g egg whites
✔50g caster sugar
✔50g icing sugar

Whisk the egg whites until stiff, add the caster sugar.
Sift in the icing sugar and mix gently. Line the silikomart mini sphere mould. Bake for 1h15 at 100°C. Turn off the oven and leave to cool in the oven. Turn out carefully as the meringue is fragile.

Blueberry mousse
✔170g mixed blueberries
✔30g caster sugar
✔4g gelatine
✔100g of liquid cream 30% MG

Hydrate the gelatine in the cold water. Heat the blueberry puree with the caster sugar in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine. Leave to cool a little. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Add the previous mixture and stir gently with a maryse. Pour half of the mixture into the silikomart mini dot mould. Add the meringue, fill with the remaining mousse and freeze overnight.

Sweet pastry
✔100 g flour
✔40g icing sugar
✔8g almond powder
✔60g butter
✔1 egg yolk
✔1 pinch of salt
Mix all the ingredients together, make a ball, roll out and then place in a cool place for 1 hour. Roll out the dough between two sheets of baking paper and cut out with a cookie cutter. Bake at 180°C between two sheets of micro perforated paper. Watch the cooking and take them out as soon as they colour. Leave to cool.


Place the still frozen blueberry mousses on the sweet pastry biscuit. Place in the freezer until defrosted. Decorate with blueberries and mint leaves. You can sprinkle your blueberries with sugar before placing them on the mousse if they are not very sweet.

Entremet myrtilles et meringue
Entremet myrtilles et meringue
Entremet myrtilles et meringue
Entremet myrtilles et meringue
Entremet myrtilles et meringue
Entremet myrtilles et meringue
Entremet myrtilles et meringue
Entremet myrtilles et meringue

Mirabelle plum tartlet

Tartelette aux mirabelles

Mirabelle plum tartlet made with

– sweet pastry,
– an almond cream,
– a compote of mirabelle plums.
– of mirabelle plums.

Material used

– Micro perforated baking mat

– Perforated silikomart tartlet rings

cercle tarte 21cm

For 4 tarts

Sweet pastry
70 g soft butter
130 g flour
45 g icing sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 egg yolk
Mix all the ingredients together, roll out and chill. Roll out the dough thinly between 2 sheets of baking paper. Line the circles and prick the dough with a fork. Place in the freezer while you preheat your oven. Bake the tart shells at 170° for about 10 minutes.

Almond cream
30g of butter
30g almond powder
30g caster sugar
30g egg
Mix the butter with the sugar. Add the almond powder and the eggs. Pour into the bottom of the tarts and bake for about ten minutes. Leave to cool.

Mirabelle plum compote
130g mirabelle plums
20g powdered sugar
2g pectin NH
In a saucepan, heat the mirabelles over a low heat until they have reduced to a compote, stirring from time to time with a spatula. Add the pectin + 20 g sugar mixture and bring to the boil for 1 minute, stirring with a whisk. Remove from heat and set aside.


Place the mirabelle compote on the tartlets. Cut the mirabelles in half and remove the stones. Place them in a circle on your tartlets. You can coat them with a neutral glaze to give them more shine. Set aside in the fridge until ready to eat.

For those who are curious, I served it with a Georgette made in Saint-Lizier in the Ariège, which is a combination of fork and spoon.

Tartelette aux mirabelles
Tartelette aux mirabelles
Tartelette aux mirabelles
Tartelette aux mirabelles

Vanilla and strawberry cake

Strawberry vanilla cake made of

– a sponge cake,
– a strawberry compote,
– a strawberry mousse
– a vanilla mousse,
– a strawberry jelly.

For the sponge cake
2 eggs
55 g sugar
25 g flour
25 g cornflour

Whisk the eggs and sugar in a bowl. Place the bowl in a bain-marie and whisk until 55°C. Pour into the bowl of a food processor and mix until cool. Sift in the flour and cornflour. Mix gently with a marysee. Pour onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Place in a hot oven at 210°C and lower the temperature to 190 for 8 to 10 minutes. Allow the biscuit to cool and cut out with your 20X10cm pastry frame. Place your frame on a dish and place the biscuit on the bottom of it.

We will then chablonner this one. This means that you will apply a thin layer of melted white chocolate with a brush to protect it from the humidity of the compote. Heat a little white chocolate (20-30g) and brush it onto the biscuit to protect the biscuit from getting wet.

For the compote
180g mixed strawberries
20g sugar
80g strawberries cut into small pieces
4g gelatine
Place the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the strawberry puree with the caster sugar. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine. Mix, add the strawberries cut into pieces. Pour the compote over the biscuit and place in the freezer.

For the strawberry mousse
120 g strawberries
15g caster sugar
120g of liquid cream
3g gelatine
Place the gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the strawberry puree with the caster sugar. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine. Mix and set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Pour in the previous mixture and stir gently. Pour over the compote and place in the freezer.

For the vanilla mousse
60 g full cream
60 g white chocolate
4 g gelatine
120 g whipping cream
vanilla pod from @bourbon_noire
20g icing sugar
Place the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the 60g of liquid cream with the vanilla pod, scraped and split. Turn off the heat, cover the pan and leave the vanilla to infuse for 15 minutes. Return the mixture to the heat and then, off the heat, add the gelatine (having first removed the vanilla pod) and melted white chocolate. Mix and set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer and add the icing sugar. Pour in the previous mixture and stir gently. Pour over the strawberry mousse and place in the freezer.

Strawberry jelly
100g strawberry puree
25g powdered sugar
25g water
3g gelatine

Soften the gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water. Pour the water, strawberry puree and sugar into a saucepan and heat without boiling. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine. Allow to cool and then pour over the frozen cake. Leave in the fridge until the jelly sets. Carefully remove the frame and cut 0.5 cm off each side of the cake so that the layers are well defined. Cut out individual slices, decorate with strawberries and a mint leaf and thaw in the fridge.