White chocolate pear with
– a praline biscuit,
– a pear insert
– a pear mousse,
– white chocolate rock icing.
Materials used
– Pavoni pear mould 5.3 X 7 cm – 15 impressions
– Silikomart mini spheres mould X24
– Ancel 210 Bloom gelatine (gold quality)
– Tefal baking tray
– Baking paper

Pear insert (the day before)
✔150g pears mixed with chunks
✔10g sugar
✔2g pectin
Praline biscuit (the day before)
✔180g flour
✔150g sugar
✔3 eggs
✔1 plain yoghurt
✔1 sachet yeast
✔1 praline chocolate bar (185g)
✔20 g neutral oil
✔1 pinch of salt
Pear mousse (the day before)
✔150g mixed ripe pears
✔150g single cream 30% fat minimum
✔4g gelatine
Rock icing
✔350g white chocolate
✔30g oil
✔35g chopped almonds
The recipe
For 9 small pears
Pear insert (the day before)
✔150g pears mixed with chunks
✔10g sugar
✔2g pectin
Pour the blended pears into a saucepan. Heat through. In a small bowl, combine the sugar and pectin. Add to the pan as soon as it boils and, without stopping stirring, cook for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the diced pears. Pour into the silikomart mini spheres X24 mould and place in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours. Then assemble two half spheres 2 by 2.

Praline biscuit (the day before)
✔180g flour
✔150g sugar
✔3 eggs
✔1 plain yoghurt
✔1 sachet yeast
✔1 praline chocolate bar (185g)
✔20 g neutral oil
✔1 pinch of salt
Pour the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Add the yoghurt and mix. Add the eggs and mix again. Melt the chopped chocolate in a bowl with the neutral oil in the microwave. Add the melted chocolate to the previous mixture. Fill the cake tin placed on a baking tray and lined with baking paper. Bake at 170°C for 20 to 25 minutes. Keep an eye on the baking time. As soon as the tip of the knife comes out dry, remove your tin. Leave to cool before removing from the mould. Cut out with a round cookie cutter slightly larger in diameter than the pavoni silicone mould. You will have some praline biscuit left over from this recipe (you can divide the proportions by 2 or 3).

Pear mousse (the day before)
✔150g mixed ripe pears
✔150g single cream 30% fat minimum
✔4g gelatine
Place the gelatine in a large bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the blended pears. Off the heat, add the wrung-out and softened gelatine. Set aside.
Pour the cold cream into a bowl and whip with an electric mixer. Gently stir in the warmed mixture.
Assembly (the day before)
Pour a little pear mousse into the Pavoni mould. Assemble the pear insert half-spheres in pairs and place them in the pear mould. Finish with the remaining pear mousse. Place in the freezer overnight.

Rock icing
✔350g white chocolate
✔30g oil
✔35g chopped almonds
Heat the white chocolate with the neutral oil in the microwave. Mix well, add the chopped almonds. Place in a very narrow container that can hold the pear. Remove the entremets from the freezer, unmould them and using a wooden skewer, dip them into the royal icing. Scrape off any excess with the rim of your container and place on the praline biscuit.

To decorate, I made little tails out of dark chocolate.