Hazelnut pear heart composed of
– a hazelnut biscuit,
– a pear insert
– a pear mousse
– a praline crunch,
– hazelnut mousse,
– brown velvet spray.
Material used
– Silicone log mould – Heart – Silikomart
– Log insert mould
– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine (gold quality)
– Brown velvet spray
– Edible gold leaf
– Silicone sponge mat

Pear insert (the day before)
✔180g of pears
✔20g water
✔15g sugar
✔2g pectin
✔2g gelatine
✔Vanilla powder
Hazelnut biscuit
✔35g hazelnut powder
✔35g icing sugar
✔1 egg
✔7g flour
✔10g butter
✔1 egg white
Hazelnut praline (the day before)
✔200g hazelnuts
✔100g caster sugar
Praline crisp (the day before)
✔40g zephir white chocolate
✔40g hazelnut praliné
✔35g crêpes dentelles
Pear mousse (the day before)
✔70g mixed pears
✔1.5g gelatine
✔50g single cream
Hazelnut praline mousse
✔140g cream
✔200g praline
✔260g liquid cream
✔6g Gelatine
+ Edible gold leaf
+ Brown velvet spray

The recipe
Serves 7 to 8
Pear insert (the day before)
✔180g of pears
✔20g water
✔15g sugar
✔2g pectin
✔2g gelatine
✔Vanilla powder
Pour the finely diced pears into a saucepan with the water and vanilla powder. Heat over a low heat for a few minutes. In a small bowl, combine the sugar and pectin. Increase the heat and add to the saucepan as soon as it boils and, without stopping stirring, cook for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, previously softened in a bowl of cold water, and stir. Pour 3/4 of the mixture into the insert mould, leaving a little room for the pear mousse (as the mould is larger than my log mould, I limited the size of the insert). Chill for at least 1 hour, then freeze for 4 hours.

Hazelnut biscuit
✔35g hazelnut powder
✔35g icing sugar
✔1 egg
✔7g flour
✔10g butter
✔1 egg white
Make a hazelnut butter: melt the butter in a small saucepan until nicely coloured, then set aside to cool. Pour the hazelnut powder, icing sugar and flour into the bowl of a mixer. Add the egg and cooled butter. Mix well. In another bowl, mix the egg white with an electric mixer. Gently add this mixture of egg whites to the previous mixture. Pour into a baking tray lined with baking paper, smooth and place in the oven at 180°C for around ten minutes. Leave to cool, then cut the biscuit into a rectangle (the size of my Silikomart log mould). Set aside until ready to assemble.

Hazelnut praline (the day before)
✔200g hazelnuts
✔100g caster sugar
Pour the hazelnuts onto a baking tray and place in the oven at 150°C for 15 minutes. Pour the caster sugar into a saucepan and make a caramel. Pour onto a sheet of greaseproof paper and leave to cool. Place the hazelnuts, which have been rubbed to remove as much of the skin as possible, and the caramel, cut into pieces, in the bowl of a blender and blend until you have a praline. You will have some praline left over to keep in a jar or sealed container after this recipe.
Praline crisp (the day before)
✔40g zéphyr white chocolate
✔40g hazelnut praline
✔35g crêpes dentelles
Mix the praline, melted white chocolate and crêpes dentelles. Roll out between two sheets of baking paper. Place in the freezer for a few minutes and cut to the size of your log mould. Keep in the freezer until ready to assemble.
Pear mousse (the day before)
✔70g mixed pears
✔1.5g gelatine
✔50g single cream
Soften the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water. Heat the pear purée in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the wrung-out, softened gelatine, stirring well. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with a mixer, adding the icing sugar. Add the cooled pear purée and mix gently with a spatula.
Fill the insert mould with the pear mousse. Return to the freezer.
Hazelnut praline mousse
✔140g cream
✔200g praline
✔260g liquid cream
✔6g Gelatine
Hydrate the gelatine in very cold water. In a saucepan, heat the 140g liquid cream with 200g hazelnut praline to around 60/65°C. Remove from the heat, add the drained gelatine, stir and set aside. Whip the 260g of cold cream with a mixer and add to the previous mixture, which should be lukewarm and below 35°C.
Fill the silikomart heart log mould halfway with hazelnut mousse. Add the pear insert, fill with a little hazelnut mousse, then add the hazelnut biscuit and finally the hazelnut crumble. Place in the freezer overnight.

The next day, unmould your log mould. Immediately apply the brown velvet spray. Place in the fridge for at least 8 hours to defrost. I decorated the log with small leaves of edible gold.