Individual strawberry cake made with
– sponge cake soaked in syrup,
– mousseline cream.
– fresh strawberries,
– almond paste.
Materials used
– Entremet circles
– Tefal baking tray
– Baking paper
– Rolling pin
– Angled spatula
– 4.5cm high rhodoïd film

The sponge cake2 eggs
55 g sugar
25 g flour
25 g cornflour
The mousseline cream240 g milk
40 g sugar
2 egg yolks
10 g flour
80 g butter
10 g cornflour
liquid vanilla or vanilla pod
80 g butter
Assembly and decoration
Almond paste
Syrup (20g water, 20g sugar, 1 cap alcohol)
The recipe
For 6 small individual strawberries
The sponge cake2 eggs
55 g sugar
25 g flour
25 g cornflour
In a bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar. Place the bowl in a bain-marie and whisk until it reaches 55°C.

Beat with an electric mixer until completely cool, doubling the volume of the mixture.

Sift in the flour and cornflour and stir gently. Bake in a preheated oven at 210°C, then immediately lower the temperature to 180°C for 8-9 minutes. When cool, turn out onto a sheet of baking paper and carefully remove the baking sheet used during cooking. Using a pastry cutter, cut out circles of sponge cake, 2 per individual strawberry mould (12).

The mousseline cream240 g milk
40 g sugar
2 egg yolks
10 g flour
80 g butter
10 g cornflour
liquid vanilla or vanilla pod
80 g butter
Heat the milk and vanilla. In a bowl, combine the yolks, sugar, flour and cornflour. Pour in the hot milk, stir and return to the saucepan. Blend until the cream thickens. Remove from the heat, add 120g of diced butter and blend. Strain on contact and leave the cream to cool completely. In the bowl of a food processor, whip the remaining 120g of butter until fluffy. Then gradually add the mousseline cream, which has cooled to room temperature (same temperature as the butter). Be careful to use standard butter, not soft or low-fat, as it will harden in the refrigerator and hold the cream and the strawberry mould together.

Place your entremet ring on your plate. Cover with cling film. Arrange the halved strawberries around the edge. Place your first sponge cake in the base. Brush the sponge cake with a syrup of sugar and rum or kirsch. Pour 20g caster sugar and 20g water into a small saucepan and heat until boiling. Remove from the heat and add a small capful of alcohol. Mix well. Poach some crème mousseline, a few strawberries cut into pieces, some cream, the second sponge cake soaked in syrup and then finish with a little cream. Smooth with an angled spatula and set aside in the fridge for at least 4 hours to allow the butter to harden and give your strawberry cake some hold.

Roll out the almond paste with a rolling pin between two sheets of baking paper. Cut out the pastry using a pastry cutter with the same diameter as your pastry ring.
Uncover your strawberries and place the marzipan on top. Decorate with strawberries. Chill until ready to eat. Remove the rhodoïd film at the last minute.