Lemon tartlet

Tarte citron

Lemon tart made with

– sweet pastry,
– almond cream
– lemon cream,
– lemon mousse,
– yellow velvet spray.

Materials used

– Micro-perforated silicone baking mat

– Silikomart Klassik ring tart silicone mould (6 cavities)

– Micro-perforated strip (optional)

– Silikomart Klassik tart ring mould 70mm

– Yellow velvet spray


Lemon dome
✔50g single cream
✔50g white chocolate
✔1 lemon juice (approx. 45g)
✔100g cold single cream 30% MG
✔3g gelatine

Almond cream
✔30g softened butter
✔30g almond powder
✔30g caster sugar
✔30g egg
✔zest of lemon

Sweet pastry
✔70 g soft butter
✔130 g flour
✔45 g icing sugar
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 egg yolk

Lemon cream
✔45g sugar
✔45g lemon juice
✔lemon zest
✔1 egg
✔60g butter

The recipe

For 5-6 tarts

Lemon dome
✔50g single cream
✔50g white chocolate
✔1 lemon juice (approx. 45g)
✔100g cold single cream 30% MG
✔3g gelatine

In a bowl of cold water, soften the gelatine sheet. In a saucepan, heat the cream. Off the heat, add the spun and softened gelatine, melted white chocolate and lemon juice Mix. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Gently fold in the cooled mixture. Pour into your silikomart ring Klassik tart mould. Place in the freezer for at least 3 to 4 hours.

Tarte citron

Sweet pastry
✔70 g soft butter
✔130 g flour
✔45 g icing sugar
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 egg yolk

Mix all the ingredients together, film and place in a cool place. Roll out the pastry thinly with a rolling pin between 2 sheets of greaseproof paper. Line the Silikomart tart circles, having first placed a strip of Forosil in the mould (optional) and prick the pastry with a fork. Place in the freezer while you preheat your oven. Bake the tartlets on a micro perforated baking mat at 165° for approximately 10 minutes. Leave to cool.

Almond cream
✔30g softened butter
✔30g almond powder
✔30g caster sugar
✔30g egg
✔lemon zest
Cream the butter with the sugar. Add the almond powder, eggs and lemon zest. Mix well. Pour into the base of the tartlets and bake for a further ten minutes. Leave to cool.

Tarte citron
Tarte citron
Tarte citron

Lemon cream
✔45g sugar
✔45g lemon juice
✔lemon zest
✔1 egg
✔60g butter

Heat the egg, sugar, lemon juice and zest in a saucepan. Cook at 82°C without stopping to stir. When the mixture has come down to 60°C, add the cold butter cut into pieces. Blend and chill.

Top the tartlets with the lemon cream. Remove the lemon domes from the freezer and immediately apply the yellow velvet spray. Place the dome on the tartlet. I decorated with a dark chocolate star.

Tarte citron
Tarte citron