Pain au chocolat or chocolatine two-tone pink

Chocolatine bicolore rose

Pain au chocolat or chocolatine two-tone pink


Materials used

– Brush

– Tefal baking tray

– Micro-perforated baking mat

– Cutter


✔260 g flour
✔5 g salt
✔25 g caster sugar
✔10 g fresh baker’s yeast
✔60 g (6 cl) cold milk
✔60 g (6 cl) cold mineral water
✔30 g cold butter PDO Poitou Charentes

✔125 g Lescure or PDO tourage butter

✔Chocolate sticks

Pink distemper
✔90 g pre-made paste
✔Pink coloring

✔30g water
✔30g sugar

The recipe

For 5 chocolatines or two-tone pains au chocolat

Combine flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, butter, water and milk in food processor. Blend for about ten minutes. Work the dough a little by hand. Take 90g to make the pink tempera.

Papillon aux raisins
Papillon aux raisins

Place in a bowl, filter and leave to grow for 45 minutes at room temperature.

Pink distemper
✔90 g pre-made paste
✔Pink colorant

Mix the 90g of previously removed dough with the pink colorant in the bowl of a food processor. Knead for 4-5 minutes to obtain a smooth mixture. You can also mix by hand, without a food processor. Shape into a square, wrap and chill overnight.

After 45 minutes, degas the dough and flatten with your hands to form a rectangle. Place in a cool place to firm up.

Soften the 125g butter and form a rectangle (1/2 the size of the dough). If you don’t have tourage butter, you can use AOP Poitou Charentes butter.

On a lightly floured work surface, roll out the dough into a rectangle and place the butter in the middle. The butter should be between 12 and 15°C and the tempera between 6 and 8°C. Overlap the two ends of the dough.

Papillon aux raisins
Papillon aux raisins
Papillon aux raisins
Papillon aux raisins
Papillon aux raisins

Roll out the dough into a long rectangle and turn twice. Place in a cool, film-covered place for at least 1 hour.

Papillon aux raisins
Papillon aux raisins
Tour double

Make a single turn and chill, covered with film, for at least 30 minutes.

You can make a 2nd single turn if you want more puff pastry, or go straight on to shaping your loaves.

Shaping the loaves

The next day, roll out the pink dough to the same size as the white. Brush the white dough with water and place the pink dough on top. Cover with film and chill for at least 45 minutes.

Chocolatine bicolore
Chocolatine bicolore

Roll out the dough into a 30cm x 30cm square. Cut the square in half, then cut 8.5 x 15 cm strips (8.5cm for the length of your chocolate sticks).

Chocolatine bicolore rose
Chocolatine bicolore rose

Turn the pastry pink side out. The dough must be cold before you turn it out, so don’t hesitate to chill it again. On each rectangle, make very shallow cuts on the pink side using a cutter, leaving a 5 mm margin around the edges. Turn the pastry over.

Place 2 or 3 chocolate sticks on each rectangle of dough, then roll out the pains au chocolat, but don’t pack the dough too tightly.

Chocolatine bicolore
Chocolatine bicolore rose
Chocolatine bicolore rose

Place on a baking sheet lined with silpatain or baking paper.

Chocolatine bicolore rose

Grow for 2 hours at room temperature

Bake at 170°C for 20 to 25 minutes.

The syrup
✔30g water
✔30g sugar

Bring sugar and water to the boil in a saucepan. Apply hot to pains au chocolat or chocolatines as soon as they come out of the oven, using a brush.

Chocolatine bicolore rose
Chocolatine bicolore rose