Hazelnut coffee entremet

Entremet cafe noisette
Entremet cafe noisette

Hazelnut coffee entremet

– a hazelnut cream,
– a coffee mousse
– a hazelnut praline crunch,
– velvety caramel spray.


Material used

– Silikomart snowflake mould X6

– Silikomart petits fours mould x15

– Ancel 210 Bloom gelatine (gold quality)

– Baking paper


Hazelnut praline cream
✔30g single cream
✔35g hazelnut praline
✔1 egg yolk
✔1g gelatine

Coffee mousse
✔3g gelatine
✔120g single cream 30% fat
✔2 egg yolks
✔30g sugar
✔80g milk
✔Coffee extract

Praline crisp
✔20g milk chocolate
✔35g hazelnut praline
✔20g crêpes dentelles

Velvet caramel spray

The recipe

Hazelnut praline cream
✔30g single cream
✔35g hazelnut praline
✔1 egg yolk
✔1g gelatine

Place the gelatine sheet in a bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the cream and hazelnut praline. In a bowl, mix the yolk and sugar. Pour over the hot cream/praline mixture and return to the saucepan. Cook like a custard, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat and add the wrung-out gelatine. Fill the silikomart petits fours x15 mould 3/4 full and place in the freezer.

Entremet cafe noisette
Entremet cafe noisette

Praline crisp
✔20g milk chocolate
✔35g hazelnut praline
✔20g crêpes dentelles

Melt the milk chocolate in the microwave. Add the crumbled crêpes dentelles and hazelnut praline. Mix gently. Roll out between two sheets of baking paper and place in the freezer. Remove from the freezer and cut out with a pastry cutter to the diameter of your cavities. Place in the freezer until ready to assemble.

Entremet cafe noisette

Coffee mousse
✔3g gelatine
✔120g single cream 30% fat
✔2 egg yolks
✔30g caster sugar
✔80g milk
✔Coffee extract

Soften the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the milk with the coffee extract. In a bowl, mix the yolks with the caster sugar. Pour the hot milk over the yolks and return the mixture to the saucepan. Heat to between 82 and 83°C. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, wrung out and softened. Mix well. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Gently fold in the cooled mixture.


Fill the silikomart flocon mould with coffee mousse, pushing it up to the edges. Add the frozen praline cream insert. Add a little mousse and finish with the praline crunch. Place in the freezer overnight.

Entremet cafe noisette
Entremet cafe noisette
Entremet cafe noisette
Entremet cafe noisette
Entremet cafe noisette

Unmould the frozen entremets and immediately apply the velvet caramel spray. I found it on Meilleurduchef.com

Entremet cafe noisette

I put a little edible gold leaf on top. Chill in the fridge for at least 2 to 3 hours until the cake has defrosted.


Pain d'épice
Pain d'épice



Materials used

– Silicone cake mould

– Silicone spatula

– Whisk


✔100g milk
✔6g star anise
✔80g flour
✔80g rye flour
✔25g cornstarch
✔10g baking powder
✔40g vergeoise
✔6g cinnamon powder
✔3g 4-spice powder
✔120g orange marmalade
✔120g flower honey
✔40g glucose
✔2 eggs

The recipe

Pour the milk and 6g of star anise into a saucepan. Bring to the boil, then cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes.

Pain d'épice
Pain d'épice

In a bowl, mix the flours, cornflour, baking powder, salt, sugar (vergeoise), 4-spice mix and cinnamon.

Pain d'épice
Pain d'épice
Pain d'épice

Add the orange marmalade, the honey microwaved for a few seconds, the glucose and the melted butter.

Pain d'épice

Finally, add the 2 whole eggs and the filtered milk.

Pain d'épice

Butter a cake tin and pour the mixture into it.

Pain d'épice

Bake at 160°C for 50 minutes. The tip of the knife should come out dry.

After 20 minutes, quickly add sugar pearls and bits of candied orange peel to the top.

Pain d'épice

Wrap it in plastic film to preserve it and prevent it from drying out.

Brioche of kings

Brioche des rois
Brioche des rois

Brioche of kings

A soft brioche, traditionally served at Epiphany, which shares the limelight with its cousin the frangipane or Parisian galette.


Equipment used

– Baking tray

– Baking paper

– 1 brush

– 1 bean


✔280 grams flour
✔12 grams fresh baker’s yeast
✔40 grams milk
✔50 grams caster sugar
✔120 grams soft butter
✔3g salt
✔2 small eggs
✔25g rum
✔25g orange blossom
✔Orange and lemon rind
✔1 egg yolk and a little cream for gilding
✔Sugar pearls

The recipe

For a brioche for 6 people

Warm the milk and stir in the crumbled fresh yeast. Cut the butter into pieces in a small bowl and leave to soften at room temperature.

Add all the ingredients to the bowl of the food processor: the milk with the yeast, flour, sugar, salt, orange blossom, zest of one orange and one lemon and the rum. Blend until all the ingredients are well incorporated (at least 8 minutes).

Brioche des rois

Then gradually add the soft butter, cut into pieces beforehand.

Continue kneading slowly for 15 minutes.

Cover the bowl with a cloth and leave to rise at room temperature for 1 hour.

On a lightly floured work surface, pour the dough and form a ball, then wrap and chill overnight. The dough may still be sticky but it will firm up in the fridge with the butter, so don’t add too much flour.

Brioche des rois
Brioche des rois

The next day, defrost the pastry and shape it into a crown. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Leave the pastry to rise for at least 2 to 3 hours, either in the oven with a large bowl of hot water, or near a heat source.

Gently brush the pastry with a mixture of egg yolk and a little liquid cream.

Sprinkle with sugar pearls.

Brioche des rois

Bake at 160°C for 15 to 18 minutes, placing the brioche in a cold, unheated oven (so that it continues to rise and is softer and more airy), then turn the oven off for around 10/15 minutes.

Brioche des rois

Don’t forget to insert a bean underneath before eating.

Pistachio chocolate choux

Choux pistache chocolat
Choux pistache chocolat

Pistachio chocolate choux

– choux pastry,
– cocoa cracker,
– chocolate pastry cream,
– pistachio ganache.


Materials used

– Micro-perforated baking mat

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine

– Fluted piping tip

– filling tip

– plain tip

– Pastry bag


Pistachio praline
✔150g pistachios
✔75g caster sugar

Pistachio ganache
✔60g liquid cream
✔60g white chocolate
✔30g pistachio praline
✔120g single cream
✔2g gelatine

Chocolate pastry cream
✔300g milk
✔50g caster sugar
✔2 egg yolks
✔20g cornflour
✔40g milk chocolate

✔40g brown sugar
✔40g butter
✔40g flour
✔10g Cocoa powder

Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 tablespoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

The recipe

For 6 puffs

Pistachio praline
✔150g pistachios
✔75g caster sugar

Pour the unsalted, shelled pistachios onto a baking tray and place in the oven at 150°C for 15 minutes. Pour the caster sugar into a saucepan and make a caramel. Pour onto a sheet of greaseproof paper and leave to cool. Place the pistachios and chopped caramel in the bowl of a blender and blend until you have a praline. You’ll have some praline left over for other recipes. It keeps very well in a sealed container. Just make sure you blend it again before use, as the oil will rise to the surface.

Pistachio mounted ganache
✔60g liquid cream
✔60g white chocolate
✔30g pistachio praline
✔120g single cream
✔2g gelatine

Heat 60g of liquid cream with the pistachio praline in a saucepan. Pour off the heat, in three batches, over the chocolate previously melted in the microwave. Pour in the remaining cold cream. Mix, cover with cling film and chill for at least 4 hours.

✔40g brown sugar
✔40g butter
✔40g flour
✔10g Cocoa powder

Mix all the ingredients together, roll out between two sheets of greaseproof paper, place in the freezer for a few minutes then cut out circles the diameter of your choux. Return to the freezer while you prepare your choux.

Choux chocolat

For the choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 tablespoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

Heat the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar in a saucepan.
Add the flour all at once and stir well to dry out the dough for 2 to 3 minutes.
Then gradually add the beaten eggs, mixing well between each egg.
Poach the puffs on a baking tray covered with a micro-perforated baking mat and place a disc of cracker on each puff. Bake at 170°C for 35 to 40 minutes (time may vary depending on oven). Leave to cool.

You will have a little choux pastry left over with these proportions. I was able to make a few chouquettes with…

Choux pistache chocolat
Choux pistache chocolat
Choux pistache chocolat

Chocolate pastry cream
✔300g milk
✔50g caster sugar
✔2 egg yolks
✔20g cornflour
✔40g milk chocolate

Heat the milk in a saucepan. Mix the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour in a bowl. Pour the hot milk over them. Stir. Pour back into the saucepan. Stir until the cream thickens. Add the pistoles of milk chocolate, mix well until the chocolate has completely melted. Set aside in a bowl, filter on contact and chill.

Take the crème pâtissière from the fridge. Loosen it a little then fill the cream into a piping bag fitted with a piping nozzle. Make a small hole under each puff and top with the cream.

Choux poire et noisettes
Choux pistache chocolat

Using an electric mixer, whip up the pistachio ganache. Fill a piping bag fitted with a fluted tip and poach this ganache onto your choux head downwards, then use a plain tip and poach this onto your choux.

I decorated with a small chocolate disc and a few unsalted pistachios.

Apple and gingerbread house

Maison pomme et pain d'épice
Maison pomme et pain d'épice

Apple and gingerbread house made with

– a gingerbread biscuit,
– an apple compote insert
– diced apples
– a gingerbread mousse,
– white and brown velvet spray.


Materials used

– Silikomart homemade silicone log mould

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine (gold quality)

– Log insert mould

– Kitchen thermometer


Apple mousse
✔3 apples
✔30g caster sugar
✔50g water
✔3g cinnamon
✔60g liquid cream
✔2g gelatine

Apple insert
✔60g Apple cubes
✔3 tablespoons water
✔10g sugar
✔2g NH pectin
✔Cinnamon powder

Gingerbread mousse
✔4g gelatine
✔70g whole milk
✔110g 30% liquid cream
✔3 egg yolks
✔45g sugar
✔345g 30% single cream
✔100g gingerbread biscuit


White and brown velvet spray

The recipe

Serves 6 to 8

Apple mousse
✔3 apples
✔30g caster sugar
✔50g water
✔3g cinnamon
✔60g liquid cream
✔2g gelatine

Cut three apples into small pieces. Pour them into a saucepan with 50g water, 30g caster sugar and the cinnamon. Leave to cook over a low heat until the apples are cooked through. Blend everything together.

Place the gelatine in a large bowl of cold water.

Remove 100g of the compote and return to the heat in a small saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, well wrung out and softened. Mix well and set aside.

Whip the cold cream in a bowl with an electric mixer. Add the previous mixture when it is below 40°C. Fill the insert mould 3/4 full and place in the freezer.

Apple insert
✔60g apple cubes
✔3 tablespoons water
✔10g sugar
✔2g NH pectin
✔Cinnamon powder

In a small bowl, combine the caster sugar, NH pectin and cinnamon. Cut an apple into small cubes. Pour into a saucepan with 3 tablespoons of water and bring to the boil. Pour the sugar mixture into the pan and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Turn off the heat. Allow to cool slightly before pouring the apple mousse into your insert mould. Place in the freezer for at least 4 hours.

Maison pomme et pain d'épice
Maison pomme et pain d'épice
Maison pomme et pain d'épice

Gingerbread mousse
✔4g gelatine
✔70g whole milk
✔110g 30% liquid cream
✔3 egg yolks
✔45g sugar
✔345g 30% single cream
✔100g gingerbread

Pour the 70g milk and 110g single cream into a saucepan. Crumble in the gingerbread. Heat until boiling. Turn off the heat, strain the pan and leave to infuse for at least 10 minutes. Mix everything together and pour about 160 to 165g of cream/milk and gingerbread into a new pan. Return to the heat.

Place the gelatine leaves in a large bowl of cold water. Pour the egg yolks and caster sugar into a bowl and mix well. Pour the hot mixture over the egg yolks. Mix well and return to the pan. Cook, stirring constantly to prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom of the pan, but do not exceed 82-83°C. Turn off the heat, add the well-squeezed gelatine and set aside to allow the mixture to cool slightly.

In another bowl, whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Gently fold in the previous mixture with a spatula.


Cut a nice slice of gingerbread to fit your log mould.

Maison pomme et pain d'épice

Pour some gingerbread mousse into your Silikomart homemade buche mould. Add the apple insert. Top with gingerbread mousse and finish with the gingerbread slice. Place in the freezer for 24 hours.

Maison pomme et pain d'épice
Maison pomme et pain d'épice
Maison pomme et pain d'épice
Maison pomme et pain d'épice

The next day, unmould your log mould. Immediately apply the brown velvet spray and then the white velvet spray to the top only. Place in the fridge for at least 7 to 8 hours to defrost.

Pear and speculoos log

Buche poire spéculoos
Buche poire spéculoos

Speculoos pear log

– a sponge cake,
– a speculoos mousse insert
– a pear compote,
– a speculoos crisp,
– a pear ganache,
– brown velvet spray.

Material used

– Silicone log mould – small – 18 x 8 cm – Silikomart

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine (gold quality)

– Plate for dune-shaped log end (meilleurduchef)

– Log insert mould

– Kitchen thermometer

– Brown velvet spray


Speculoos mousse insert
✔30g single cream
✔50g speculoos paste
✔2g gelatine
✔80g single cream 30% min MG

Pear insert
✔120g diced ripe pears
✔60g pear purée
✔2g nh pectin
✔10g caster sugar
✔7g lemon juice
✔3 tablespoons water

Genoise biscuit
✔2 eggs
✔2 egg yolks
✔40g sugar
✔2 egg whites
✔60g sugar
✔50g flour

Speculoos crisp
✔30g white chocolate
✔50g speculoos pastry
✔30g crêpes dentelles

Pear mounted ganache
✔200g pear pulp
✔80g white chocolate
✔70g liquid cream
✔70g mascarpone cheese
✔4g gelatine

Brown velvet spray

Log ends

The recipe

For 4 to 6 people

Pear ganache
Heat the pear pulp in a saucepan and then turn off the heat. For the fruit pulp, simply blend the peeled pears (William pear, Conference pear, etc.). Pour over the white chocolate couverture (Zéphyr) and the well-squeezed gelatine. Leave to cool slightly (<40°C) before adding the liquid cream and mascarpone. Mix well. Strain and chill for at least 6 hours.

Speculoos mousse insert
Place the gelatine in a large bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the 30g of liquid cream with the spéculoos paste. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, wrung out and softened. Set aside.
Pour the chilled cream into a bowl and whip with an electric mixer. Gently stir in the warmed mixture. Fill the insert mould and place in the freezer.

Buche poire spéculoos

Pear insert

Cook the pear pieces with the tablespoons of water very gently over a moderate heat for 5 to 10 minutes to evaporate as much water as possible. Pour the pear purée into a saucepan. Heat to around 50°C. Whisk in the caster sugar previously mixed with the NH pectin. Add the lemon juice and stir again until it comes to the boil, continuing to cook for at least 1 minute to activate the pectin’s properties. Remove the pan from the heat and add the diced pears. Leave to cool slightly, then pour over the speculoos mousse insert. Cover with cling film. Place in the freezer.

Buche poire spéculoos
Buche poire spéculoos

Speculoos crisp
Mix all the ingredients together and roll out between two sheets of baking paper. Place in the freezer for a few minutes, then cut into a rectangle measuring approximately 17x6cm. Keep in the freezer until ready to assemble.

Buche poire spéculoos

Sponge biscuit
Pour the eggs, yolks and sugar into a bowl. Mix with a mixer. Sift in the flour and mix again. In another bowl, beat the egg whites, adding the 60g sugar in three batches. Gently fold the stiffly beaten egg whites into the previous mixture and pour onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake at 180°C for 10 minutes. Once cooled, cut out a large rectangle to fit your log mould. You can brush the sponge cake with a syrup flavoured with a little pear alcohol, for example.

Buche poire spéculoos
Buche poire spéculoos

Assembly (the day before)
Beat the pear ganache with an electric mixer. Pour the pear ganache into your silikomart log mould, the frozen insert then the sponge cake with the speculoos crisp last. Place in the freezer overnight.

Buche poire spéculoos
Buche poire spéculoos
Buche poire spéculoos
Buche poire spéculoos

You can adapt my recipe to other log mould shapes.

The next day, remove the log from the mould and immediately apply the brown velvet spray.

Buche poire spéculoos
Buche poire spéculoos

I decorated it with two white chocolate log ends.

Vanilla and praline entremet

Entremet vanille et praliné
Entremet vanille et praliné

Vanilla and praline entremet

– a hazelnut biscuit,
– a hazelnut praline insert,
– a vanilla mousse,
– brown velvet spray,
– milk chocolate petals.


Material used

– Silikomart X6 cavities half sphere mould

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine (gold quality)

– Silikomart half-sphere insert mould x15 cavities

– Kitchen thermometer


Praline insert
✔150g hazelnuts
✔75g caster sugar

Praline crisp
✔30g Milk chocolate
✔50g Hazelnut praline
✔30g crêpes dentelles

Hazelnut biscuit
✔23g hazelnut powder
✔23g sugar
✔5g butter
✔1 egg yolk
✔5g flour
✔45g egg whites

English cream
✔200 g milk
✔2 egg yolks
✔30 g caster sugar
✔Vanilla powder or vanilla pod

Vanilla mousse
✔40g cream
✔40g white chocolate
✔80g cream
✔2g gelatine

Brown velvet spray

Milk chocolate petals


The recipe

For 3 people

Hazelnut praline
✔150g hazelnuts
✔75g caster sugar

Pour the hazelnuts onto a baking tray and place in the oven at 150°C for 15 minutes. Pour the caster sugar into a saucepan and make a caramel. Pour onto a sheet of greaseproof paper and leave to cool. Place the hazelnuts, which have been rubbed to remove as much of the skin as possible, and the caramel, cut into pieces, in the bowl of a blender and blend until you obtain the praline. You’ll have some praline left over for other recipes. It keeps very well in a closed container. Just make sure you blend it again before use, as the oil from the hazelnuts will rise to the surface. Fill the cavities of the silikomart half-sphere mould 15 with praline. Place in the freezer for at least 5-6 hours.

Entremet vanille et praliné

Praline crisp
✔30g Milk chocolate
✔50g hazelnut praline
✔30g crêpes dentelles

Melt the milk chocolate in the microwave. Add the crumbled crêpes dentelles and praline. Mix gently. Roll out between two sheets of baking paper and place in the freezer. Remove from the freezer and cut out with a pastry cutter the diameter of your half-sphere mould. Place in the freezer until ready to assemble.

Hazelnut biscuit
✔23g hazelnut powder
✔23g sugar
✔5g butter
✔1 egg yolk
✔5g flour
✔45g egg whites

In a bowl, mix the whole egg with the icing sugar. Add the hazelnut powder, flour and melted butter. Mix well. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with a mixer. Gently fold into the mixture using a pastry blender. Pour the biscuit dough onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake the biscuit for around ten minutes at 180°C. The biscuit should come out golden brown. Remove the biscuit from the oven and leave to cool completely before cutting out with a cookie cutter.

Entremet noisette
Entremet noisette

Vanilla mousse
✔40g cream
✔40g white chocolate
✔80g cream
✔2g gelatine

Place the sheet of gelatine in a bowl of cold water. In a small saucepan, heat the 40g of liquid cream with the scraped and split vanilla pod. Turn off the heat, cover the pan and leave the vanilla to infuse for 15 minutes. Return the mixture to the heat and then, off the heat, add the gelatine (having removed the vanilla pod beforehand) and the melted white chocolate. Mix well and set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Pour over the previous mixture and stir gently.


Fill the silikomart half-sphere mould with vanilla mousse, add the frozen praline insert, top with vanilla mousse and finish with the hazelnut biscuit and crunch. Place in the freezer overnight.

Entremet vanille et praliné
Entremet vanille et praliné
Entremet vanille et praliné
Entremet vanille et praliné

The next day, remove the frozen entremets from the moulds and immediately apply the brown velvet spray. Arrange milk chocolate petals all around. Chill for at least 2 to 3 hours while defrosting.

To do this, temper the milk chocolate according to the temperature curve on the pack and then use a knife dipped in the chocolate and placed on a sheet of rhodoid or guitar paper to make the petals.

I then placed this sheet in a round mould before the chocolate hardened to give the petals their rounded shape.

English cream
✔200 g milk
✔2 egg yolks
✔30 g caster sugar
✔Vanilla powder or vanilla pod

Heat the milk and vanilla in a saucepan. Pour the egg yolks and caster sugar into a bowl. Mix well. Pour the hot milk over the yolks and mix well before returning everything to the saucepan. Heat over a medium heat, stirring constantly, without exceeding 85°C (use a kitchen thermometer to check the temperature). Set aside.



Just before serving your dessert, reheat your custard and pour it around your dessert.

Entremet vanille et praliné
Entremet vanille et praliné
Entremet vanille et praliné
Entremet vanille et praliné

Candied fruit cake


Candied fruit cake

Material used

– Silicone cake mould


✔320 g flour
✔200 g softened butter
✔4 eggs
✔1 tablespoon milk
✔100 g sugar
✔2 packets of baking powder
✔5 tablespoons rum
✔100 g candied fruit cubes
✔100 g currants
✔80g candied cherries

The recipe

Soak the sultanas in a bowl of hot water with a capful of rum.

Cake aux fruits confits

In a bowl, cream the butter with the powdered sugar.

Cake aux fruits confits
Cake aux fruits confits
Cake aux fruits confits

Then add the eggs one by one. Mix. Add the milk, the candied fruit and the drained sultanas. Mix. Sift in the flour and yeast. Mix.

Cake aux fruits confits
Cake aux fruits confits

Butter a cake tin. Fill it ¾ full with the mixture.

Cake aux fruits confits

Bake in a hot oven at 180°C for 20 minutes, then lower the oven to 170°C for another 20 minutes. The blade of the knife should come out dry after baking.

Cake aux fruits confits

You can brush the cake with a syrup by bringing water (20g), sugar (20g) and a capful of rum to the boil in a small pan.

To decorate, place some candied fruit, orange peel and candied cherries, on top.

Snickers Log

Bûche snickers
Bûche snickers

Snickers log with

– a chocolate peanut biscuit,
– a creamy caramel insert,
– caramel and peanuts,
– a peanut crunch,
– a vanilla mousse,
– white velvet spray.


Material used

– Silicone log mould – small – 18 x 8 cm – Silikomart

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine (gold quality)

– Plate for dune-shaped log end (meilleurduchef)

– Log insert mould

– Kitchen thermometer


Creamy caramel insert
✔10 g water
✔35g caster sugar
✔10g glucose syrup
✔1 egg yolk
✔120g liquid cream 30% MG
✔Vanilla powder or pod
✔1 2g leaf gelatine

✔50g caster sugar
✔Liquid cream
✔1 pinch of salt
✔unsalted peanuts

Peanut and chocolate biscuit
✔30g peanut powder
✔10g flour
✔30g sugar
✔10g butter
✔1 egg
✔20g milk chocolate
✔50g egg whites
✔5g sugar

Crunchy peanuts
✔White chocolate
✔Praline peanuts
✔Crêpes dentelles

Vanilla mousse
✔Liquid cream
✔White chocolate
✔Single cream
✔1 vanilla pod

White velvet spray

Log ends

The recipe

For 4 to 6 people

Creamy caramel insert
Pour the water, caster sugar, glucose and vanilla into a saucepan and bring to the boil. In a bowl mix the yolk and 60g of liquid cream. When the caramel is light brown, add the remaining 60g of heated cream. Mix and then add the cream/yolk mixture. Cook to 82+C using a kitchen thermometer . Remove from the heat and add the softened gelatine. Blend and pour into the insert mould. I reduced the size of my insert to fit my log mould. Place in the freezer.

Bûche snickers

Melt the sugar in a saucepan. When it has a nice amber colour add the previously heated liquid cream off the heat. Mix well and return to the heat to melt all the caramel. Remove from the heat and add the butter. Leave to cool, then pour into the insert mould over the creamy caramel. Add unsalted peanuts.

Bûche snickers
Bûche snickers

Peanut and chocolate biscuit
In a bowl, mix the whole egg with the icing sugar. Add the peanut powder, flour, chocolate and melted butter. Mix well. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with a mixer. Gently fold into the mixture using a pastry blender. Pour the biscuit dough onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake the biscuit for around ten minutes at 180°C. The biscuit should come out golden brown. Remove the biscuit from the oven and leave to cool completely before cutting into rectangles.

Bûche snickers
Bûche snickers
Bûche snickers
Bûche snickers

Crunchy peanuts
Mix all the ingredients together and roll out between two sheets of baking paper. Place in the freezer for a few minutes, then cut into a rectangle measuring approximately 17X6cm. Keep in the freezer until ready to assemble.

Bûche snickers
Bûche snickers

Vanilla mousse
Place the gelatine leaves in a large bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the cream then turn off the heat and infuse with the vanilla pod previously halved and scraped for at least 15 minutes. Return the saucepan to the heat. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, wrung out and softened. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Add the chilled cream to the previous mixture and mix gently.

Assembly (the day before)
Pour some vanilla mousse into your mould, the frozen insert and then the biscuit with the crisp. Place in the freezer overnight.

Bûche snickers
Bûche snickers
Bûche snickers
Bûche snickers

The next day, remove the log from the mould and immediately apply the white velvet spray.

Bûche snickers
Bûche snickers

I decorated it with two dark chocolate log ends.

Chocolate choux

Choux chocolat
Choux chocolat

Chocolate choux made

– choux pastry,
– cocoa cracker,
– chocolate custard,
– chocolate ganache.


Materials used

– Micro-perforated baking mat

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine

– Fluted piping tip

– filling tip

– plain tip

– Pastry bag


Mounted ganache
✔80g liquid cream
✔80g white chocolate
✔20g milk chocolate
✔160g single cream
✔2g gelatine

Chocolate custard cream
✔300g milk
✔50g caster sugar
✔2 egg yolks
✔20g cornflour
✔40g milk chocolate

✔40g brown sugar
✔40g butter
✔40g flour
✔10g Cocoa powder

Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 tablespoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

The recipe

For 6 choux

Chocolate ganache
✔80g single cream
✔80g white chocolate
✔20g milk chocolate
✔160g single cream
✔2g gelatine

Heat 80g of liquid cream in a saucepan. Pour off the heat, in three batches, over the chocolate previously melted in the microwave. Pour in the remaining cold cream. Mix, cover with cling film and chill for at least 4 hours.

✔40g brown sugar
✔40g butter
✔40g flour
✔10g Cocoa powder

Mix all the ingredients together, roll out between two sheets of greaseproof paper, place in the freezer for a few minutes then cut out circles the diameter of your choux. Return to the freezer while you prepare your choux.

For the choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 tablespoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

Heat the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar in a saucepan.
Add the flour all at once and stir well to dry out the dough for 2 to 3 minutes.
Then gradually add the beaten eggs, mixing well between each egg.
Poach the puffs on a baking tray covered with a micro-perforated baking mat and place a disc of cracker on each puff. Bake at 170°C for 35 to 40 minutes (time may vary depending on oven). Leave to cool.

Choux chocolat
Choux chocolat
Choux chocolat
Choux chocolat

Chocolate pastry cream
✔300g milk
✔50g caster sugar
✔2 egg yolks
✔20g cornflour
✔40g milk chocolate

Heat the milk in a saucepan. Mix the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour in a bowl. Pour the hot milk over them. Stir. Pour back into the saucepan. Stir until the cream thickens. Add the pistoles of milk chocolate, mix well until the chocolate has completely melted. Set aside in a bowl, filter on contact and chill.

Take the crème pâtissière from the fridge. Loosen it a little then fill the cream into a piping bag fitted with a piping nozzle. Make a small hole under each puff and top with the cream.

Choux poire et noisettes

Whip the chocolate ganache with an electric mixer. Take a quarter of this ganache and fill with a piping bag fitted with a fluted tip and poach this ganache onto your chou, upside down. With the remaining ganache, use a plain tip and poach this onto your choux.

I decorated with a small chocolate disc.