Chocolate pear

Poire chocolat
Poire chocolat

Chocolate pear with

– a praline biscuit,
– a pear insert
– a pear mousse,
– rocher icing.


Materials used

Pavoni pear mould 5.3 X 7 cm

Silikomart mini spheres X24 mould

– Ancel 210 Bloom gelatine (gold quality)

Tefal baking tray

– Baking paper


Pear insert (the day before)
✔150g pears mixed with chunks
✔10g sugar
✔2g pectin

Praline biscuit (the day before)
✔180g flour
✔150g sugar
✔3 eggs
✔1 plain yoghurt
✔1 sachet yeast
✔1 praline chocolate bar (185g)
✔20 g neutral oil
✔1 pinch of salt

Pear mousse (the day before)
✔150g mixed ripe pears
✔150g single cream 30% fat minimum
✔4g gelatine

Rock icing
✔350g milk chocolate
✔30g oil
✔35g chopped almonds

The recipe

For 9 small pears

Pear insert (the day before)
✔150g pears mixed with chunks
✔10g sugar
✔2g pectin

Pour the blended pears into a saucepan. Heat through. In a small bowl, combine the sugar and pectin. Add to the pan as soon as it boils and, without stopping stirring, cook for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the diced pears. Pour into the silikomart mini spheres X24 mould and place in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours. Then assemble two half spheres 2 by 2.

Poire chocolat
Poire chocolat

Praline biscuit (the day before)
✔180g flour
✔150g sugar
✔3 eggs
✔1 plain yoghurt
✔1 sachet yeast
✔1 praline chocolate bar (185g)
✔20 g neutral oil
✔1 pinch of salt

Pour the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Add the yoghurt and mix. Add the eggs and mix again. Melt the chopped chocolate in a bowl with the neutral oil in the microwave. Add the melted chocolate to the previous mixture. Fill the cake tin placed on a baking tray and lined with baking paper. Bake at 170°C for 20 to 25 minutes. Keep an eye on baking. As soon as the tip of the knife comes out dry, remove your tin. Leave to cool before removing from the mould. Cut out with a round cookie cutter slightly larger in diameter than the pavoni silicone mould. You will have some praline biscuit left over from this recipe (you can divide the proportions by 2 or 3).

Poire chocolat
Poire chocolat

Pear mousse (the day before)
✔150g mixed ripe pears
✔150g single cream 30% fat minimum
✔4g gelatine

Place the gelatine in a large bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the blended pears. Off the heat, add the wrung-out and softened gelatine. Set aside.
Pour the cold cream into a bowl and whip with an electric mixer. Gently stir in the lukewarm mixture.

Assembly (the day before)
Pour a little pear mousse into the Pavoni mould. Assemble the pear insert half-spheres in pairs and place them in the pear mould. Finish with the remaining pear mousse. Place in the freezer overnight.

Poire chocolat
Poire chocolat
Poire chocolat

Rock icing
✔350g milk chocolate
✔30g oil
✔35g chopped almonds

Heat the milk chocolate with the neutral oil in the microwave. Mix well, add the chopped almonds. Place in a very narrow container that can hold the pear. Remove the entremets from the freezer, unmould them and using a wooden skewer, dip them into the royal icing. Scrape off any excess with the rim of your container and place on the praline biscuit.

Poire chocolat

To decorate, I made little tails out of dark chocolate.

Raspberry Saint Honoré

Saint Honoré framboises
Saint Honoré framboises

Raspberry Saint Honoré composed of

– puff pastry,
– raspberry diplomat cream,
– choux pastry,
– caramel,
– whipped cream,
– raspberry compote.


Materials used

– Ancel 210 Bloom gelatine (gold quality)

– 2X Tefal baking tray

– Micro perforated baking mat

– Silikomart half-sphere mould, 8 cavities

– Silikomart pomponette mould

– Saint Honoré mould


Diplomatic raspberry cream
✔250g milk
✔3 egg yolks
✔55g sugar
✔20g cornflour
✔20g butter
✔Vanilla powder
✔60g strained mixed raspberries
✔100g single cream

Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

350g pure butter puff pastry

A few fresh raspberries

Raspberry compote
✔50g raspberries
✔10g sugar
✔1g NH pectin

✔125g caster sugar
✔50g Nougasec
✔25 g glucose syrup
✔25 g water
✔Pink colouring

✔250g Chantilly cream
✔20g caster sugar

The recipe

Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

Heat the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar in a saucepan.Off the heat, add the flour.Dry the dough.Pour into a bowl and then gradually fold in the beaten eggs.Poach the choux pastry onto a micro-perforated mat. Bake at 180°C for around 35 minutes. You can also line the silikomart pomponette mould with 24 cavities of choux pastry and place in the freezer.

Saint Honoré framboises
Saint Honoré framboises

Puff pastry

Roll out the puff pastry and cut into circles. Bake on a baking tray between two sheets of baking paper. Then add a second baking tray and some weight. Bake at 180°C for 35 to 40 minutes. Remove the baking sheet from the top, sprinkle with a little icing sugar and bake for a further 5 minutes.

Saint Honoré framboises
Saint Honoré framboises
Saint Honoré framboises
Saint Honoré framboises
Saint Honoré framboises
Saint Honoré framboises

Diplomat cream
✔250g milk
✔3 egg yolks
✔55g sugar
✔20g cornflour
✔Vanilla powder
✔20g butter
✔60g strained mixed raspberries
✔100g single cream

Heat the milk with the vanilla in a saucepan.
In a bowl, mix the yolks, sugar then cornflour. Pour the hot milk over this mixture and return to the saucepan. Heat, stirring constantly until the cream thickens. Add the butter and the blended and strained raspberries off the heat. Set aside to cool. Whip the cream until stiff. Gently fold into the previous mixture. Fill a piping bag fitted with a plain tip.

Fill the choux pastry with the crème diplomate and poach the cream onto the puff pastry. Add a few raspberry halves.

Saint Honoré framboises
Saint Honoré framboises

✔125 g caster sugar
✔50 g Nougasec
✔25 g glucose syrup
✔25 g water

Pour the caster sugar, glucose syrup, water and Nougasec into a saucepan. The Nougasec makes the caramel more resistant to humidity. Heat through. When the caramel is coloured, turn off the heat. Add a little pink colouring. Dip your choux into the caramel (be careful not to burn your fingers) and place them upside down in the 8-cavity silikomart half-sphere mould while the caramel cools and hardens. Using this mould will give you a nicely rounded caramel.

Saint Honoré framboises

Place your cabbages all around, keeping one cabbage in the middle.

Chantilly cream
✔200g single cream 30ù MG min
✔100g mascarpone cheese
✔25g caster sugar

Whip the very cold liquid cream with the mascarpone using an electric mixer. Fill a piping bag fitted with a Saint Honoré tip. Poach the whipped cream between the puffs. Place the last puff in the middle.

Saint Honoré framboises

Raspberry compote
✔50g raspberries
✔10g sugar
✔1g NH pectin

In a small saucepan, brown the raspberries. Then add the sugar and pectin mixture to the boil. Continue cooking for 1 minute. Blend the mixture. Fill a piping bag with the compote. When it has cooled a little, fill fresh raspberries with it and place them on top of the whipped cream.

Place your Saint Honoré in the fridge until ready to eat.

Hazelnut choux

Choux noisette

Hazelnut choux made of

– choux pastry,
– hazelnut cracker,
– hazelnut pastry cream,
– hazelnut ganache.

Material used

Silikomart micro-perforated baking mat

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine

Pastry bag

– Fluted piping tip


Homemade hazelnut praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔50g caster sugar

Hazelnut ganache
✔50g liquid cream
✔50g white chocolate
✔20g hazelnut praline
✔100g liquid cream 30% MG

Hazelnut pastry cream
✔250g milk
✔50g caster sugar
✔3 egg yolks
✔25g cream powder
✔120g hazelnut praline
✔1 leaf gelatine (2g)

Hazelnut cracker
✔40g butter, ointment
✔40g hazelnut powder
✔40g brown sugar

Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

The recipe

For 8 to 9 small choux

Homemade hazelnut praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔50g caster sugar
Pour the hazelnuts onto a baking tray and bake at 150°C for 15 minutes.
In a saucepan, pour the caster sugar and make a caramel. When the caramel has a nice colour, pour it onto a sheet of baking paper and leave to cool. Place the hazelnuts (having rubbed them to remove the skin) and the cooled caramel, cut into pieces, in the bowl of a blender and blend until you obtain the hazelnut praline.

Tartelette poire et praliné
Tartelette poire et praliné

Hazelnut pastry cream
✔250g milk
✔50g caster sugar
✔3 egg yolks
✔25g cream powder
✔120g hazelnut praline
✔1 sheet of gelatine (2g)
Heat the milk. In a bowl mix the yolks, sugar, cream powder.Pour the hot milk over it.Stir.Pour back into the pan.Stir until thickened.Out of the heat add the wrung out gelatine and the praline. Mix well. Pour into a bowl, filter it and set aside in a cool place.

Hazelnut ganache
✔50g liquid cream
✔50g white chocolate
✔20g hazelnut praline
✔100g liquid cream 30% MG
In a saucepan, heat the 50g of liquid cream. Pour over the melted white chocolate in batches. Mix well. Add the hazelnut praline. Pour in the 100g of cold liquid cream. Mix, filter and place in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

Hazelnut cracker
✔40g of butter
✔40g hazelnut powder
✔40g brown sugar
Mix all the ingredients together, spread between two sheets of baking paper, place in the freezer for a few minutes and then cut out circles the diameter of your choux.

Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on their size)

In a saucepan heat the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar. Off the heat add the flour all at once. Mix well to dry out the dough for 2 to 3 mins.
Add the beaten eggs gradually, mixing well between each egg. Poach on a baking tray. Add the cracker disc. Bake at 180°C for about 35 min. Let cool on a rack.

Choux noisettes
Choux noisettes
Choux noisettes

✔ Milk chocolate discs
✔Caramelised hazelnuts

Take the pastry cream and loosen it a little then fill a piping bag. Make a hole under each choux and top with cream. Place a disc of milk chocolate on each choux. Beat the hazelnut ganache with an electric mixer and poach it on the chocolate disc. Decorate with hazelnuts. Place in a cool place.

Strawberry cake

Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères

Fraisier made with

– sponge cake soaked in syrup
– mousseline cream
– fresh strawberries
– almond paste


Material used

– 20×11 cm rectangular pastry frame

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine

– Tefal baking tray

– Baking paper

– Angled spatula

– Rhodoïd film 4.5cm high


The sponge cake
✔3 eggs
✔80 g sugar
✔40 g flour
✔40 g cornflour

The mousseline cream
✔360 g milk
✔70 g sugar
✔3 egg yolks
✔15 g flour
✔120 g butter
✔15 g cornflour
✔liquid vanilla or better vanilla pod
✔1 leaf gelatine (2g)
✔120 g butter

✔30g caster sugar
✔30g water
✔2 capfuls rum

Homemade almond paste
✔200g almond powder
✔200g icing sugar
✔45g egg white



The recipe

Serves 4 to 6

The sponge cake
✔3 eggs
✔80 g sugar
✔40 g flour
✔40 g cornflour

Whisk the eggs and sugar in a bowl, place in a bain-marie and whisk until the mixture reaches 55°C. Pour into the bowl of a food processor and whisk until completely cool. The mixture will double in volume. Sift in the flour and cornflour and stir gently. Pour onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Smooth with an angled spatula. Bake in a preheated oven at 210°C, then immediately lower the temperature to 190°C for 10 to 12 minutes. When cool, turn out onto a sheet of baking paper, remove the baking paper carefully and cut out two rectangles slightly smaller than the size of your pastry frame.

Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères

The mousseline cream
✔360 g milk
✔70 g sugar
✔3 egg yolks
✔15 g flour
✔120 g butter
✔15 g cornflour
✔liquid vanilla or better vanilla pod
✔1 leaf gelatine (2g)
✔120 g butter

Place the gelatine in a large bowl of cold water. Heat the milk and vanilla. In a bowl, combine the yolks, sugar, flour and cornflour. Pour in the hot milk, stir and return to the saucepan. Blend until the cream thickens. Remove from the heat, add 120g of butter cut into cubes, the softened and wrung-out gelatine and blend. Filter on contact and allow the cream to cool completely to room temperature. In the bowl of a food processor, whip the remaining 120g of butter until fluffy, then gradually add the mousseline cream that has cooled to room temperature (same temperature as the butter). Be careful to use traditional butter, not soft or low-fat, as it will harden in the refrigerator and hold the cream and the strawberry mould together.

Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères

✔30g caster sugar
✔30g water
✔2 capfuls rum

Pour the water and caster sugar into a small saucepan. Bring to the boil. Off the heat add 2 capfuls of rum. Stir and set aside.

Fraisier fête des pères

Place a pastry frame on your plate. Cover with rhodoïd film. Arrange the halved strawberries around the edge. Place the smallest sponge cake on the bottom. Brush the sponge cake with a brush. Place the mousseline cream in a piping bag fitted with a plain tip. Poach the mousseline cream all around the strawberries. Add some cream in the middle, some cut strawberries, some cream, the second sponge cake soaked in syrup and then finish with a little cream. Smooth with an angled spatula and set aside in the fridge for at least 4 hours so that the butter hardens and holds your strawberry cake in place.

Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères
Fraisier fête des pères

Homemade almond paste
✔200g almond powder
✔200g icing sugar
✔45g egg white

Pour the almond powder, icing sugar and egg white into a bowl. Mix well with your hands, form into a ball, wrap and chill for a few hours.

To decorate, I used homemade marzipan to which I added a little pink colouring. Mix well and work the pastry with your hands to get an even colour. Roll out the pastry between two sheets of baking paper. Cut out a rectangle measuring 20 x 11 cm and place it on your strawberry mould.

I also made some white chocolate buttons.

Fraisier fête des pères

Speculoos tiramisu verrine

Verrine tiramisu spéculoos
Verrine tiramisu spéculoos

Speculoos tiramisu verrine made with

– speculoos biscuits soaked in coffee
– mascarpone cream


Material used

– 5 jars

– Ancel 210 Bloom gelatine (gold quality)




Mascarpone cream
✔250g mascarpone
✔3 yolks
✔3 whites
✔80g caster sugar
✔1 packet of vanilla sugar

✔A double espresso
✔Speculoos biscuits

The recipe

For 5 verrines

Mascarpone cream
✔250g mascarpone
✔3 yolks
✔3 whites
✔80g caster sugar
✔1 packet of vanilla sugar

Separate the whites from the yolks in two bowls. Beat the yolks with the mascarpone, vanilla sugar and half the sugar (40g) with an electric mixer. Set aside. Beat the egg whites with the remaining 40g sugar in the other bowl with an electric mixer. Gently mix the egg whites with the mascarpone cream.

Verrine tiramisu spéculoos


✔A double espresso
✔Speculoos biscuits

Verrine tiramisu spéculoos

Pour the coffee into a soup bowl or soup plate. Crumble the speculoos biscuits into the bottom of your verrines. Add a layer of mascarpone cream. Dip your chopped speculoos biscuits into the bowl containing the coffee and cover the surface with the cream. Add a second layer of mascarpone cream, then another layer of coffee-soaked biscuits and finally a final layer of mascarpone cream. Strain the verrines and place in the fridge overnight.

The next day, crush some speculoos biscuits and sprinkle them on the surface of your verrines.

Strawberry tart

Tarte aux fraises
Tarte aux fraises

Strawberry tart made with

– A sweet pastry,
– a pastry cream,
– slices of strawberries,
– strawberry jelly.



Pastry cream
✔200g milk
✔40g caster sugar
✔2 egg yolks
✔15g cornflour
✔1 capful of rum

Sweet pastry
✔130g flour
✔45g sugar
✔70g butter
✔1 egg yolk
✔1 pinch of salt

Strawberry jelly
✔Strawberry quails
✔15g caster sugar
✔2g gelatine


165 / 170°C
18-20 minutes

The recipe

Serves 4

Pastry cream
✔200g milk
✔40g caster sugar
✔2 egg yolks
✔15g cornflour
✔1 capful of rum

Heat the milk. In a bowl, mixr the egg yolks, sugar, cornflour.Pour the hot milk over it.Stir.Pour back into the saucepan.Stir until the cream thickens.Remove from the heat and add the capful of rum. Mix well. Pour into a bowl, strain and chill.

Sweet pastry
✔130g flour
✔45g sugar
✔70g butter
✔1 egg yolk
✔1 pinch of salt

Mix all the ingredients together, film and chill in the fridge for 1 hour. Roll out the pastry between two sheets of greaseproof paper , line your tart tin, placed on a micro-perforated baking mat (optional, you can add a micro-perforated strip to the inside of your circle) , then place in the freezer for 10 minutes while you preheat your oven to 170°C. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes. Leave to cool well.

Tarte aux fraises
Tarte aux fraises

Remove the crème pâtissière from the fridge. Loosen with a wooden spoon or spatula. Fill a piping bag fitted with a plain tip with this cream. Pipe the cream onto the base of the tart.

Tarte aux fraises

Cut 5mm-thick slices of strawberries, keeping the stems that will be used to make the strawberry jelly, and cover the tart with them. Place in a cool place.

Tarte aux fraises

Strawberry jelly
✔Strawberry queues
✔15g caster sugar
✔2g gelatine

Place the gelatine sheet in a large bowl of cold water. Place the strawberry tails in the bottom of a small saucepan and cover to the brim with water. Add 15g caster sugar. Heat, stirring a little, until the water is coloured. Strain the water through a sieve, mashing the strawberry stems well. Add the gelatine, wrung out and softened. Mix well. Leave to cool to 20°C, then pour over the surface of the tart. Chill immediately to allow the jelly to set.

Tarte aux fraises

I decorated it with strawberries, mint leaves and small gold leaves.

Mango and vanilla cake

Gâteau mangue et vanille
Gâteau mangue et vanille

Mango and vanilla cake with

– an almond biscuit
– a mango mousse
– a vanilla mousse
– mango jelly.


Material used

Rectangular frame 20X11x4.5 cm

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine

Tefal baking tray

– Baking paper

Angled spatula


Almond biscuit
✔65g almond powder
✔65g caster sugar
✔15g flour
✔100g egg white

Mango mousse
✔130g mangoes
✔20g caster sugar
✔130g liquid cream (30% fat)
✔3g gelatine

Vanilla mousse
✔100g white chocolate
✔100g single cream
✔5g gelatine
✔200g single cream 30% fat
✔1 vanilla pod

Mango jelly
✔100g mango
✔20g water
✔20g caster sugar
✔3g gelatine

The recipe

Serves 5 to 6

Almond biscuit
✔65g almond powder
✔65g caster sugar
✔15g flour
✔100g egg white

Mix the ingredients together. Bake in the oven at 170°C for 14-15 minutes. Leave to cool, then cut into a 20x11cm rectangle.

Vanilla mousse (120g X3)
✔100g white chocolate
✔100g liquid cream
✔5g gelatine
✔200g single cream 30% fat
✔1 vanilla pod

Mix the melted white chocolate, hot cream and gelatine. Add the whipping cream. Pour over the almond biscuit and place in the freezer.

Mango mousse (120g X2)
✔130g mangoes
✔20g caster sugar (more or less depending on your mangoes)
✔130g minimum 30% fat liquid cream
✔3g gelatine

Mix the mango and gelatine. Add the whipping cream and pour over the vanilla mousse (approx. 120g). Return to the freezer.


Proceed quickly with the rest of the assembly otherwise the mousses will start to set by alternating layers of vanilla and mango mousse. Place in the freezer overnight or for at least 6 hours.

Gâteau mangue et vanille
Gâteau mangue et vanille
Gâteau mangue et vanille

Mango jelly
✔100g mango
✔20g water
✔20g caster sugar (more or less depending on your mangoes)
✔3g gelatine

Make a mango jelly with all the ingredients. Leave to cool, then pour over the frozen cake.

Leave in the fridge until the jelly sets. Remove the frame. Chill until defrosted.

Gâteau mangue et vanille
Gâteau mangue et vanille
Gâteau mangue et vanille
Gâteau mangue et vanille
Gâteau mangue et vanille
Gâteau mangue et vanille
Gâteau mangue et vanille

Pear and caramel entremet

Bavarois poire et caramel
Bavarois poire et caramel

Pear and caramel entremet composed of

– a pear mousse,
– an almond dacquoise biscuit,
– caramel,
– a decorative butterfly tile.


Material used

Silikomart mould 6 cavities

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine

– Tefal baking tray

– Baking paper

Pavoni butterfly silicone mould

– Angled spatula


Almond dacquoise (the day before)
✔45g egg whites
✔45g almond powder
✔40g icing sugar
✔15g caster sugar

Pear bavarois (the day before)
✔200g pear puree
✔200g of liquid cream 30% fat
✔30g caster sugar
✔5g of gelatine

✔80g caster sugar
✔100g heated cream
✔30g of semi-salted butter

Decorative butterfly tile
✔25g sugar
✔12g flour
✔12g melted butter
✔15g egg white

+ chopped almonds

The recipe

For 4 entremets

Almond dacquoise (the day before)
✔45g egg whites
✔45g almond powder
✔40g icing sugar
✔15g caster sugar

Whisk the egg whites with the caster sugar. Sift in the almond powder and icing sugar. Stir gently. Spread on a baking sheet and bake at 170°C for about 10 minutes. Cut out the biscuit with a biscuit cutter.

Bavarois poire et caramel

Pear bavarois (the day before)
✔200g pear puree
✔200g of liquid cream 30% fat
✔30g caster sugar
✔5g of gelatine

Place the gelatine sheets in a large bowl of cold water. Heat the mixed pears in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine leaves, which have been softened and wrung out well. Mix and set aside. In a large bowl, whip the cold cream with an electric mixer, gradually adding the caster sugar. Add the warm mixture and stir gently with a pastry blender. Pour into the silikomart cylinder mould 6 cavities and finish by placing the dacquoise biscuit. Place in the freezer overnight.

Bavarois poire et caramel

✔80g caster sugar
✔100g heated cream
✔30g of semi-salted butter

To make a homemade caramel: Melt the sugar in a saucepan. When it has a nice amber colour add the heated cream off the heat. Mix well and put back on the heat to melt all the caramel. Remove from the heat and gradually add the butter, cut into pieces. Transfer to a container, strain and place in a cool place.

Decorative butterfly tile
✔25g sugar
✔12g flour
✔12g melted butter
✔15g egg white

Mix all the ingredients together. Line a mould (here a Pavoni butterfly mould). Place in the oven at 170°C. Keep an eye on the cooking time as it is very quick, 6 to 8 minutes. Turn out of the oven. Be careful, they harden very quickly and become fragile and brittle.


Take the bavarois out of the freezer. Leave to defrost in a cool place. Using a cookie cutter, mark the hole and then use a spoon to remove 0.5 to 1 cm from the top. Top with caramel. Place chopped almonds at the base all around.

Place in the fridge until ready to eat. Just before serving, place a decorative tile on top.

Coffee and puffed rice entremet

Entremet café et riz soufflé
Entremet café et riz soufflé

Coffee and puffed rice entremet
– a spoon biscuit,
– a coffee mousse
– a brown velvet spray,
– coffee ganache,
– and puffed rice.


Materials used

Micro-perforated silicone baking mat

Silikomart mini dot X6 mould

– Brown velvet spray


Spoon biscuit
✔1 egg white
✔1 egg yolk
✔30g caster sugar
✔30g flour
✔A little icing sugar

Coffee mousse
✔2 gelatine leaves (4g)
✔200g liquid cream 30% MG
✔2 yolks
✔40g sugar
✔120g milk
✔Coffee extract

Coffee ganache
✔20g white chocolate
✔Coffee extract
✔20g liquid cream
✔0.5g gelatine

Puffed rice
✔100g white chocolate
✔Coffee extract
✔40g puffed rice

✔Brown velvet spray

The recipe

For 4 desserts

Spoon biscuit
✔1 egg white
✔1 egg yolk
✔30g caster sugar
✔30g flour
✔A little icing sugar

Separate the egg white from the yolk. Whisk the egg white with an electric mixer, adding the sugar gradually. Then add the egg yolk. Mix gently with a spatula. Sift in the flour. Mix again. Fill a piping bag fitted with a plain tip. Poach the rounded spoon biscuits on a sheet of baking paper and sprinkle with icing sugar. Bake at 180°C for 8 to 10 minutes. Leave the biscuit to cool and cut out using a cookie cutter smaller than the diameter of your Silikomart mould.

Entremet café et riz soufflé
Entremet café et riz soufflé

Coffee mousse (the day before)
✔2 gelatine leaves (4g)
✔200g single cream 30% fat
✔2 yolks
✔40g sugar
✔120g milk
✔Coffee extract

In a bowl of cold water, soften the gelatine leaves. In a saucepan, heat the milk with the coffee extract. In a bowl, mix the yolks with the caster sugar. Pour the hot milk over the yolks and return the mixture to the saucepan. Heat to between 82 and 83°C. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, wrung out and softened. Mix well. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Gently fold in the cooled mixture.

Assembly (the day before)

Fill the Silikomart mould with the coffee mousse. Add the sponge cake previously soaked in coffee with a brush. Top with the remaining mousse and place in the freezer overnight.

Entremet café et riz soufflé

Coffee ganache (the next day)
✔20g white chocolate
✔Coffee extract
✔20g liquid cream
✔0.5g gelatine

Soften the gelatine sheet in a bowl of cold water. Heat the liquid cream with the coffee extract in a saucepan. Melt the white chocolate in the microwave. Pour the cream over the chocolate. Mix well. Set aside.

Puffed rice
✔100g white chocolate
✔Coffee extract
✔40g puffed rice

Melt the white chocolate in the microwave. Add the coffee extract and puffed rice. Mix and fill tartlet circles the size of your dessert. Press down 1 to 1.5 cm and repeat 3 times. Leave the chocolate to harden a little before removing the mould.

Entremet café et riz soufflé

Remove the desserts from the freezer, unmould and immediately apply the brown velvet spray.

Entremet café et riz soufflé
Entremet café et riz soufflé

Place on the puffed rice. Add some coffee ganache in the middle and chill.

I decorated with a little edible gold leaf and a chocolate coffee bean.

Peanut Tartlet

Tarte cacahuète
Tarte cacahuète

Peanut tartlet made of

– sweet pastry,
– praline peanuts,
– soft caramel,
– peanuts.
– peanut praline ganache
– peanut mousse,
– caramelised peanuts.

Material used

– Micro perforated silicone baking mat

– Ipnosi spiral silicone mould from Pavoni

– Micro-perforated strip (optional)

– Silikomart tart ring Klassik mould 70mm

– Baking thermometer


Peanut praline (the day before)
✔50g sugar
✔100g peanuts

Peanut mousse (the day before)
✔1 yolk
✔10g sugar
✔40g milk
✔3g gelatine
✔50g praline peanuts
✔100g cold liquid cream

Praline peanut ganache
✔50g white chocolate
✔50g liquid cream
✔35g praline peanuts

Sweetened paste
✔70g soft butter
✔130g flour
✔45 g icing sugar
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 egg yolk

Soft toffee
✔100g liquid full cream
✔30g whole milk
✔30g glucose syrup
✔50g sugar
✔50g glucose syrup
✔1 pinch of salt
✔35g butter
✔25g whole milk

The recipe

For 4 tarts

Peanut praline (the day before)
✔50g sugar
✔100g peanuts

Roast the peanuts on a baking tray for 15 minutes in the oven at 150°C. Make a caramel with the sugar and pour it onto baking paper. When it has cooled, break it into pieces and put it in the bowl of a blender. Add the peanuts and blend until you have a praline. Be careful, you need a good blender.

Peanut mousse (the day before)
✔1 yellow
✔10g sugar
✔40g milk
✔3g gelatine
✔50g praline peanuts
✔100g cold liquid cream

In a bowl of cold water, place the gelatine leaves. In a saucepan, heat the milk. In a bowl, mix the yolks and sugar. Pour the milk over and transfer to the saucepan. Heat while stirring and without exceeding 83°C. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine and the praline. Mix and set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Pour in the previous mixture and stir gently. Pour into the mould. Place in the freezer overnight. You will have some mousse left after this step.

Tarte cacahuète
Tarte cacahuète

Soft toffee
✔100g liquid full cream
✔30g whole milk
✔30g glucose syrup
✔50g sugar
✔50g glucose syrup
✔1 pinch of salt
✔35g butter
✔25g whole milk

In a saucepan, bring 100g cream to the boil with 30g milk, 30g glucose and the salt. In another pan, make a caramel with 50g sugar and 50g glucose. Remove from the heat. Deglaze the caramel with the hot cream and milk mixture in several stages. Return to the heat, stirring regularly. Place the caramel in a narrow container. When the caramel is about 60°C, add the chopped butter and milk. Use a hand blender to mix the caramel well. Strain and store in a cool place.

Ganache praline peanuts
✔50g white chocolate
✔50g liquid cream
✔35g praline peanuts

Heat the cream and pour off the heat, in three batches, over the previously melted white chocolate. Add the praline and set aside.

Sweet pastry
✔70 g soft butter
✔130 g flour
✔45 g icing sugar
✔15 g almond powder
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 egg yolk

Mix all the ingredients together. Roll out the dough thinly between 2 sheets of greaseproof paper then put it in the fridge for 30 minutes. Line the circles. Bake in the oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes. Leave the tartlets to cool completely.

Tarte cacahuète
Tarte cacahuète

Top the tartlet bases with a tablespoon of peanut praline. Then add a spoonful of soft caramel. Place peanuts on top. Fill to the brim with the peanut praline ganache. Place in a cool place for at least 2 hours so that the ganache sets. 

Tarte cacahuète
Tarte cacahuète
Tarte cacahuète
Tarte cacahuète

Finally, place the peanut mousse on top and decorate with caramelised peanuts all around. Chill for at least 1 hour until ready to eat.