Panna cotta mangue

Panna cotta mangue
Panna cotta mangue

Mango panna cotta with

– a panna cotta,
– a mango jelly,
– a white chocolate shell,
– white chocolate,
– and slice of bread.

Material used

Silikomart half sphere mould 24 cavities

Silikomart mould 12 eggs

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine


Panna cotta
✔250g of liquid cream
✔25g caster sugar
✔3g gelatine

Mango jelly
✔100g mango mix
✔1 gelatine sheet (2g)
✔10g caster sugar

White chocolate shell
✔200g white chocolate
✔a few pistoles of milk chocolate


A little melted white chocolate

The recipe

To make 9 soft-boiled eggs

Panna cotta
✔250ml of liquid cream
✔25g sugar
✔3g gelatine

Soften the gelatine in a large bowl of cold water. Heat the cream and sugar. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine. Mix well, spread in the mini egg mould and place in the freezer for at least 4 hours.

Mango jelly

✔100g of mango mix
✔1 sheet of gelatine (2g) egg white
✔10g caster sugar

Place the gelatine sheet in a large bowl of cold water. Blend the mango and pour it into a saucepan with the caster sugar. Heat and then remove from the heat and add the gelatine, wrung out and softened. Mix well and fill the 24-cavity Silikomart mould. Place in the freezer for at least 1 hour.

Panna cotta mangue

White chocolate shell

Melt the white chocolate in the microwave in a narrow container. Add a few drops of milk chocolate to colour the chocolate slightly. Take the frozen eggs out of the freezer. Cut off the top of each egg. Push a wooden spike into the egg and quickly dip the egg into the chocolate. Scrape the underside with the edge of your container. Place the eggs on greaseproof paper until the chocolate has set. Meanwhile, melt some white chocolate and fill a piping bag with it. Poach the chocolate on top of the eggs, making drips. Finally, place the mango jelly on top.

Panna cotta mangue
Panna cotta mangue

Pour les mouillettes

Découper deux tranches de pain de mie et les faire revenir dans une poêle avec un peu de beurre et de sucre en poudre  en les retournant sur toutes les faces jusqu’à ce qu’elles soient bien dorées..

J’ai réalisé des soucoupes en chocolat au lait  sur lesquelles je suis venue déposer mes œufs à la coque. Placer au frais jusqu’à la dégustation.

Mon 1er ebook est enfin en vente, avec plus de 100 recettes et des recettes inédites

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Tous les ebooks, inclus dans le pack, sont téléchargeables pendant 1 an au format pdf.


Strawberry tart

Tarte aux fraises
Tarte aux fraises

Strawberry tart made with

– a sweet pastry
– a pastry cream
– diced strawberries
– a strawberry mousse
– a pink velvet spray.



Strawberry mousse
✔115g mixed strawberries
✔20g caster sugar
✔90g cold liquid cream 30% MG minimum
✔3g gelatine

Sweet pastry
✔50g soft butter
✔100g flour
✔35 g icing sugar
✔15 g almond powder
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 egg yolk
✔Pink dye

Pastry cream
✔125 g milk
✔vanilla powder
✔2 egg yolks
✔30 g caster sugar
✔12 g cornflour
✔1 capful of rum


✔Some strawberries
✔Pink velvet spray

✔25g sugar
✔12g flour
✔12g melted butter
✔15g egg white
✔pink colouring

The recipe

For 4 tarts

Strawberry mousse
✔115g mixed strawberries
✔20g caster sugar
✔90g cold liquid cream 30% MG minimum
✔3g gelatine

Place the gelatine in cold water until softened. Heat the strawberry puree, sugar and add the wrung out and softened gelatine off the heat. Mix well. Mix in the cold cream with an electric mixer and pour into the silikomart mould. Place in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

Tarte aux fraises
Tarte aux fraises

Sweet dough
✔50 g soft butter
✔100 g flour
✔35 g icing sugar
✔15 g almond powder
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 egg yolk
✔Pink dye

Mix all the ingredients together. Form into a ball, spin it and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Roll out the dough thinly between two sheets of baking paper. Cut out circles and strips. Prick the pastry with a fork. Place in the freezer for a few minutes and bake at 170°C for 15 minutes. Leave to cool.

Tarte aux fraises
Tarte aux fraises
Tarte aux fraises

Pastry cream
✔125 g milk
✔vanilla powder
✔2 egg yolks
✔30 g caster sugar
✔12 g cornflour
✔1 capful of rum

In a saucepan, heat the milk and vanilla. In a bowl, mix the yolks, sugar and then the cornflour. Pour the hot milk over it. Return to the pan and heat, stirring constantly, until the cream thickens. Add the capful of rum to flavour your cream (optional). Strain and chill.


✔Some strawberries

Cut your strawberries into small cubes. Take out the custard and loosen it a little. Top each tartlet base with a little cream without going over the edge of your tartlet. Hollow out the middle and add the diced strawberries. Take your strawberry mousse out of the freezer and immediately apply the pink velvet spray. Then place your mousse on your tartlet. Keep in the fridge until you are ready to eat. Allow at least 1 to 2 hours for the strawberry mousse to defrost.

Tarte aux fraises
Tarte aux fraises

✔25g sugar
✔12g flour
✔12g melted butter
✔15g egg white
✔Pink colouring

Mix all the ingredients together. Line a baking tin (in this case the Pavoni tin used). Place in the oven at 170 °C. Keep an eye on the cooking time as it is very quick, 6 to 8 minutes. Turn out of the oven. Be careful, they harden very quickly.

Remove the tiles just before serving, otherwise they may soften in the refrigerator and lose their crunchiness.

Pear and walnut cake

Gâteau poire et noix
Gâteau poire et noix

Pear and walnut cake made with

– a walnut biscuit
– a walnut praline crunch
– a pear mousse
– a walnut mousse
– a pear jelly.


Material used

– Square frame 15X15x4.5 cm

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatin

– Tefal baking tray

– Baking paper


Walnut biscuit (the day before)
✔65 g walnut powder
✔1 egg
✔2 egg whites
✔65 g icing sugar
✔20 g butter
✔15 g flour
✔15 g caster sugar

Walnut praline
✔100g nuts
✔50g caster sugar

White chocolate and nut praline crisp (the day before)
✔50g wanut praline
✔25g white chocolate
✔10g crêpes dentelles

Pear mousse
✔2 sheets of gelatine (3g)
✔120g pear puree
✔100g cold liquid cream
✔15g icing sugar

Walnut mousse (the day before)
✔1 yolk
✔10g sugar
✔40g milk
✔3g gelatine
✔50g praline nut
✔100g cold liquid cream

Pear jelly
✔3g gelatine
✔150g pears
✔10g water

The recipe

Pour 4 personnes

Walnut biscuit (the day before)
✔65 g walnut powder
✔1 egg
✔2 egg whites or about 100g
✔65g icing sugar
✔20g butter
✔15 g flour
✔15 g caster sugar

In a mixing bowl, add the nut powder (just finely blend some nuts), icing sugar and whole egg. Mix. Add the sifted flour, the melted butter. Mix well. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with the powdered sugar. Incorporate a third of the egg whites and mix to loosen the mixture, then gently fold the rest into the mixture with a pastry blender. Pour the biscuit dough onto a baking tray covered with baking paper and smooth out the dough. Bake the biscuit for 8 to 10 minutes at 180°C.

Gâteau poire et noix
Gâteau poire et noix

Remove the biscuit from the oven and allow it to cool before peeling it off the paper and cutting out two squares using your pastry frame.

Gâteau poire et noix

Place the first walnut biscuit in the bottom of your frame. Brush the biscuit with syrup or the juice from the pears in syrup.

Walnut Praline
✔100g nuts
✔50g caster sugar

Roast the nuts on a baking tray for 15 minutes in the oven at 150°C. Make a caramel with the sugar and pour onto baking paper. When it has cooled, break it into pieces and put it in the bowl of a blender. Add the nuts and blend until you have a praline. Be careful, you need a good blender.

Gâteau poire et noix
Gâteau poire et noix
Gâteau poire et noix

White chocolate and nut praline crisp (the day before)
✔50g walnut praline
✔25g white chocolate
✔10g crêpes dentelles

In a bowl, pour the praline, the previously melted white chocolate and add the crumbled crêpes dentelles. Mix gently. Roll out the crêpes dentelles between two sheets of greaseproof paper into a square the size of your frame (15X15cm for me). Place in the freezer for a few minutes. Cut the crisp to the size of your frame.

Gâteau poire et noix

Pear mousse
✔2 sheets gelatine (3g)
✔120g pear puree
✔100g cold liquid cream
✔15g icing sugar
✔1 half a pear cut into small cubes

Soften the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water. Heat the pear puree in a saucepan. For the pear puree, you can either use pears in syrup, without adding sugar as they are already sweet, or you can cook the pears in a syrup (water, sugar, liquid vanilla) and then blend them. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, wrung out and softened, stirring well. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with a mixer, adding the icing sugar. Add the warmed pear puree and mix gently. I added a few diced pears. Pour over the crisp. Add the second walnut biscuit. Put back in the freezer.

Walnut mousse (the day before)
✔1 yolk
✔10g sugar
✔40g milk
✔3g gelatine
✔50g praline nut
✔100g cold liquid cream

Soften the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water. Heat, in a small saucepan, the 40g of milk. Mix the egg yolk and caster sugar in a bowl. Pour in the hot milk. Mix well and return to the pan. While stirring, heat until it reaches 82 to 83°C. . Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, well wrung out and previously softened, and the nut praline. Mix well. Set aside. Whip the cold cream (100g) with an electric mixer. Gently add the previous mixture with a spatula.

Pour over the second walnut biscuit, leaving 2 to 3 mm free if possible to apply the pear jelly. Place in the freezer overnight or for at least 6 hours.

Gâteau poire et noix

Pear jelly
✔3g gelatine
✔150g pears
✔10g water

Soften the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water. Heat the pear puree with the water in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the wrung out and softened gelatine, stirring well. Allow to cool slightly and pour over the still frozen cake. Place in a cool place until the jelly sets.

Serve the cake as a whole (it takes at least 4 to 5 hours in the fridge for the cake to thaw completely) or cut out individual slices with a knife, removing 0.5mm from each side beforehand to have well defined slices.

I decorated the cake with caramelised walnuts (melt some powdered sugar in a small pan to make a caramel and dip the walnuts in it, collect them with a fork and place them on a sheet of baking paper to cool), to be placed at the last moment, just before serving.

Gâteau poire et noix
Gâteau poire et noix
Gâteau poire et noix
Gâteau poire et noix
Gâteau poire et noix
Gâteau poire et noix

Raspberry choux

Choux framboise
Choux framboise

Raspberry choux made of

– choux pastry,
– pastry cream,
– mascarpone whipped cream,
– raspberries,
– and mint leaves.



Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

Pastry cream
✔250g milk
✔60g sugar
✔3 egg yolks
✔25 g cream powder
✔25g butter
✔Liquid vanilla

Mascarpone whipped cream
✔150g liquid cream 30% MG
✔50g mascarpone
✔20g caster sugar

✔ Mint leaves
✔ Fresh raspberries
✔ Mascarpone whipped cream

The recipe

Pour 4-6 choux

Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

In a saucepan heat the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar.
Add the flour all at once and mix well to dry out the dough for 2 to 3 minutes.
Pour the mixture into a bowl and then add the beaten eggs, gradually, mixing well between each addition.
Poach the choux in the tartlet circles, having first placed a micro-perforated strip inside on a baking tray covered with a micro-perforated baking mat, not exceeding one third of the height. Place a second micro-perforated mat on top and add weight to it. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 45 minutes (time may vary depending on the oven). Allow to cool well and then carefully remove the circles and strips. If necessary, file the edges for a nicer finish. Make two holes under each puff. Set aside.

Choux framboise
Choux framboise
Choux framboise
Choux framboise

Pastry cream

✔250g milk
✔60g sugar
✔3 egg yolks
✔25g cream powder or cornflour
✔25g butter
✔Vanilla, liquid

In a saucepan, boil the milk with a little liquid vanilla. In a bowl, mix the yolks with the caster sugar. Then add the cream powder. Pour the hot milk over this mixture and return it to the pan. Cook until it boils, stirring constantly. The cream will thicken. Remove from the heat, add the butter cut into pieces. Blend. Strain and leave to cool in a cool place.

Once the choux have cooled down, fill a piping bag with the pastry cream and poach it in the choux.

Chantilly with mascarpone
✔150g of liquid cream 30% MG
✔50g mascarpone
✔20g caster sugar

Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer with the mascarpone. Then gradually add the caster sugar. Fill this whipped cream into a piping bag fitted with a nozzle. Here I used a woven basket tip.

Poach the mascarpone whipped cream on top and decorate with halved raspberries all around. Finish by adding a few small mint leaves.

Choux framboise
Choux framboise
Choux framboise
Choux framboise
Choux framboise
Choux framboise
Choux framboise
Choux framboise
Choux framboise

Vanilla and chocolate praline half-egg entremet

Vanilla and chocolate praline half-egg entremet composed of

– a praline crisp,
– a hazelnut biscuit,
– a creamy chocolate and hazelnut praline,
– a hazelnut praline,
– a vanilla mousse,
– a milk chocolate shell,
– brown velvet spray,


Material used

Silikomart half egg mould – 5 cavities

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine

Silikomart oval mould – 9 cavities

– Brown velvet spray

– Pastry bag


Hazelnut praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔50g powdered sugar

Chocolate and hazelnut praline cream
✔1 yolk
✔15g sugar
✔20g hazelnut praline
✔40g liquid cream
✔10g milk chocolate
✔1g gelatine

Hazelnut biscuit
✔32g hazelnut powder
✔1 egg
✔1 egg white
✔32g icing sugar
✔10 g butter
✔7 g flour

Chocolate praline crisp
✔30g milk chocolate
✔60g hazelnut praline
✔30g crêpes dentelles

Vanilla mousse
✔5g gelatine
✔130g cream
✔130g white chocolate
✔Vanilla pod or vanilla powder
✔130g of liquid cream 30% MG min

✔Brown velvet spray
✔90g milk chocolate

The recipe

For 4 desserts

Hazelnut praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔50g powdered sugar

Place the hazelnuts on a baking tray and bake at 150°C for 15 minutes.
In a saucepan, pour the caster sugar and make a caramel. When the caramel has a nice colour, pour it onto a sheet of baking paper and leave to cool. Place the hazelnuts (having rubbed them to remove the skin) and the cooled caramel, cut into pieces, in the bowl of a blender and blend until you obtain the hazelnut praline. You will have some praline left over for other recipes.

Chocolate and hazelnut praline cream
✔1 yellow
✔15g sugar
✔20g hazelnut praline
✔40g liquid cream
✔10g milk chocolate
✔1g gelatine

In a bowl, mix the egg yolk with the sugar until slightly white. In a saucepan, bring 40g of cream to the boil, remove from heat and pour the hot cream over the previous mixture. Return to the pan and cook over a low heat until 82ºC. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine. Pour the hot cream over the hazelnut praline and mix. Allow to cool slightly, then pour into the Silikomart oval X9 cavity insert mould (approx. 20g per cavity) and place in the freezer for at least 1 hour.

Put a spoonful of praline in each cavity and put back in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

Entremet demi-œuf vanille et chocolat praliné
Entremet demi-œuf vanille et chocolat praliné

Hazelnut biscuit
✔32g hazelnut powder
✔1 egg
✔1 egg white
✔32g icing sugar
✔10 g butter
✔7 g flour

Make a hazelnut butter. In a saucepan, melt the butter until it takes on a nice colour and a hazelnut smell. Set aside. In a bowl, mix the whole egg with the icing sugar. Add the hazelnut powder, flour and melted butter. Mix well. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with the powdered sugar. Gently fold them into the mixture with a spatula. Pour the biscuit dough onto a baking tray covered with baking paper. Bake the biscuit for 10 minutes at 170°C. Remove the biscuit from the oven and allow it to cool before peeling it off the paper and cutting it into circles. Place the biscuits on top of your hazelnut cream and return to the freezer.

Entremet demi-œuf vanille et chocolat praliné
Entremet demi-œuf vanille et chocolat praliné
Entremet demi-œuf vanille et chocolat praliné

Chocolate praline crisp
✔30g milk chocolate
✔60g hazelnut praline
✔30g of crêpes dentelles

Mix all the ingredients together. Spread between two sheets of greaseproof paper and place in the freezer for a few minutes before cutting them into the shape of your mould. Return to the freezer.

Vanilla mousse
✔5g gelatine
✔130g of liquid cream
✔130g white chocolate
✔Vanilla pod or vanilla powder
✔130g of liquid cream 30% MG min

In a bowl of cold water, place the gelatine leaves. In a saucepan, heat the 130g of liquid cream with the vanilla pod that you will have previously split in half and scraped out. Turn off the heat, cover the pan and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Return the mixture to the heat and, off the heat, add the gelatine (remove the vanilla pod). Pour over the melted white chocolate, mix and set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Pour over the warm mixture and stir gently.


First make a chocolate shell. Melt 90g of milk chocolate in the microwave and pour into the 4 cavities. Tilt the mould in all directions so that the chocolate is evenly distributed, then invert the mould to remove the excess. Place in a cool place until the chocolate has set.

Fill the Silikomart half-egg mould with vanilla mousse halfway up the sides. Add the praline insert. Complete with the mousse and finish with the biscuit and finally the praline crunch. Place in the freezer overnight.

Entremet demi-œuf vanille et chocolat praliné
Entremet demi-œuf vanille et chocolat praliné
Entremet demi-œuf vanille et chocolat praliné
Entremet demi-œuf vanille et chocolat praliné

The next day, remove the frozen desserts from the moulds, wipe off the frosting on the chocolate shells with a paper towel and immediately apply the brown velvet spray. Melt a little milk chocolate, fill a piping bag with it and pipe quick lines onto the eggs. Place in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

Entremet demi-œuf vanille et chocolat praliné
Entremet demi-œuf vanille et chocolat praliné

J’ai décoré ‌avec une petite plume réalisée en chocolat noir.

Strawberry cake

Strawberry cake made of

– sponge cake soaked in syrup
– mousseline cream
– fresh strawberries
– strawberry jelly

Materials used

Pastry ring 14cm x 4.5cm high

Pastry ring 18cm x 4.5cm high

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine

– Tefal baking tray

– Baking paper

– Angled spatula

Spatula for chocolate nibs

Rhodoïd film 4.5cm high


The sponge cake
✔3 eggs
✔80 g sugar
✔40 g flour
✔40 g cornflour

The mousseline cream
✔360 g milk
✔70 g sugar
✔3 egg yolks
✔15 g flour
✔120 g butter
✔15 g cornstarch
✔liquid vanilla or better vanilla bean
✔120 g butter ‌

Strawberry jelly
✔120g mixed strawberries
✔20g powdered sugar
✔2g gelatine

Assembly and decoration



The recipe

For about 4 to 6 people

The sponge cake
✔3 eggs
✔80 g sugar
✔40 g flour
✔40 g cornflour

Whisk the eggs and sugar in a bowl, place in a bain-marie and whisk until 55°C. Pour into the bowl of a food processor and whisk until completely cool. The mixture will double in volume. Sift in the flour and cornflour. Stir gently. Bake in a preheated oven at 210°C, then immediately lower the temperature to 190°C for 12 to 15 minutes. After cooling, cut out circles smaller than your pastry circles


The mousseline cream
✔360 g milk
✔70 g sugar
✔3 egg yolks
✔15 g flour
✔120 g butter
✔15 g cornstarch
✔liquid vanilla or better vanilla bean
✔120 g butter

Heat the milk and vanilla. In a bowl, mix the yolks, sugar, flour and cornflour. Pour in the hot milk, stir and return to the pan. Mix until the cream thickens. Remove from the heat, add 120g of butter cut into cubes and blend. Strain and leave the cream to cool. In the bowl of a food processor, whip the remaining 120g of butter into a creamy consistency. Then add the mousseline cream, which has cooled to room temperature.

Place a 18cm diameter pastry ring on your plate. Place a rhodoïd film around it. Place the smallest sponge cake at the bottom. Soak it in a sugar syrup with rum or kirsch. Poach the mousseline cream, a few strawberries cut into pieces, some cream, the second sponge cake soaked in syrup and then finish off with a little cream. Smooth with an angled spatula and set aside in the fridge for at least 4 hours to allow the butter to harden and give your strawberry cake some hold.


I added rhodoïd film all around my cake to be able to pour the jelly.


The jelly
✔120g mixed strawberries
✔20g powdered sugar
✔2g gelatine

Mix 120g of strawberries and strain to remove the seeds. Pour the strawberries into a saucepan with 20g caster sugar. Put on the heat. Remove from the heat and add 1 sheet of 2g gelatine, previously softened in a bowl of cold water and wrung out. I added a drop of red colouring because the strawberry loses its colour when heated. Mix and let cool before pouring over your cake. Place in a cool place until the jelly sets.


Decorate with strawberries and chocolate eggs. I also made little feathers out of white chocolate.

Remember to remove the rhodoid film before serving your cake.

Chocolate and praline egg

Oeuf chocolat et praliné

Chocolate and praline egg composed of

– a hazelnut biscuit,
– a hazelnut cream,
– a milk chocolate mousse,
– a praline crunch,
– brown velvet spray,
– hazelnut praline.


Material used

– Silikomart secret mould 100ml – 8 cavities

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine

– Silikomart small oven mould 15 cavities

– Pastry bag


Hazelnut praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔50g powdered sugar

Creamy hazelnut praline
✔1 yolk
✔15g sugar
✔20g hazelnut praline
✔50g of liquid cream
✔1g gelatine

Hazelnut biscuit
✔32g hazelnut powder
✔1 egg
✔1 egg white
✔32g icing sugar
✔10 g butter
✔7 g flour

Chocolate praline crisp
✔15g milk chocolate
✔30g hazelnut praline
✔20g crêpes dentelles

Milk chocolate mousse
✔3 gelatine leaves (6g)
✔200g cream
✔2 yellow
✔30g sugar
✔90g milk
✔150g milk chocolate

✔Spray velvet brown
✔Food gold leaf

The recipe

For 6 desserts

Hazelnut praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔50g powdered sugar

Place the hazelnuts on a baking tray and bake at 150°C for 15 minutes.
In a saucepan, pour the caster sugar and make a caramel. When the caramel has a nice colour, pour it onto a sheet of baking paper and leave to cool. Place the hazelnuts (having rubbed them to remove the skin) and the cooled caramel, cut into pieces, in the bowl of a blender and blend until you obtain the hazelnut praline. You will have some praline left over for other recipes.

Hazelnut praline cream
✔1 yellow
✔15g sugar
✔20g hazelnut praline
✔50g liquid cream
✔1g gelatine

In a bowl, mix the egg yolk with the sugar until slightly white. In a saucepan, bring 50ml of cream to the boil, remove from heat and pour the hot cream over the previous mixture. Return to the saucepan and cook over a low heat until 82ºC. Remove from the heat and add the wrung-out gelatine. Pour the hot cream over the hazelnut praline and mix. Leave to cool slightly, then pour into the Silikomart X15 cavity insert mould (15g-18g per cube) and place in the freezer.

Oeuf chocolat et praliné

Hazelnut biscuit
✔32g hazelnut powder
✔1 egg
✔1 egg white
✔32g icing sugar
✔10 g butter
✔7 g flour

Make a hazelnut butter. In a saucepan, melt the butter until it takes on a nice colour and a hazelnut smell. Set aside. In a bowl, mix the whole egg with the icing sugar. Add the hazelnut powder, flour and melted butter. Mix well. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with the powdered sugar. Gently fold them into the mixture with a spatula. Pour the biscuit dough onto a baking tray covered with baking paper. Bake the biscuit for 10 minutes at 170°C. Remove the biscuit from the oven and allow it to cool before peeling it off the paper and cutting it into circles. Place the biscuits on top of your hazelnut cream and return to the freezer.

Oeuf chocolat et praliné
Oeuf chocolat et praliné
Oeuf chocolat et praliné

Chocolate praline crisp
✔15g milk chocolate
✔30g hazelnut praline
✔20g of crêpes dentelles

Mix all the ingredients together. Spread between two sheets of baking paper and place in the freezer for a few minutes before cutting out with a cookie cutter. Return to the freezer.

Oeuf chocolat et praliné

Milk chocolate mousse
✔3 sheets of gelatine (6g)
✔200g cream
✔2 yolk
✔30g sugar
✔90g milk
✔150g milk chocolate

Soften the gelatine sheet in a bowl of cold water. Mix the egg yolks with the caster sugar in a bowl. Heat the milk in a saucepan. Remove from the heat, and pour over the egg yolk and sugar mixture, stirring. Return the mixture to the saucepan over the heat and cook over a low heat until it reaches 82ºC. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, stirring well. Pour this hot custard over the chocolate, stirring with a whisk until melted. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with a mixer and add it to the custard in two or three batches, mixing gently with a spatula each time.

Oeuf chocolat et praliné
Oeuf chocolat et praliné
Oeuf chocolat et praliné


Fill the Silikomart Secret mould halfway up the sides. Add the insert. Top up with the mousse and finish with the chocolate praline crisp. Place in the freezer overnight.

The next day, remove the frozen cakes from the moulds and immediately apply the brown velvet spray.

Oeuf chocolat et praliné
Oeuf chocolat et praliné

Add hazelnut praline to the bottom of each cake.

To make the nest, I placed several baking sheets or slates in the freezer the day before. I melted some chocolate in the microwave and filled a piping bag with it. Take the cold baking sheet out of the freezer and poach the chocolate in a spiral and then very quickly, as it hardens quickly, gather the chocolate to form the nest. As soon as your plate heats up a little too much, change the plate.

I decorated with a little gold leaf and a little feather made of white chocolate.

Praline egg in its egg cup

Oeuf praliné dans son coquetier

Praline egg in an egg cup made of

– a hazelnut biscuit,
– a praline crunch,
– a praline mousse,
– a praline insert,
– a vanilla mousse,
– brown velvet spray,
– chocolate icing,
– hazelnut praline.


Materials used

– Silikomart secret mould 100ml – 8 cavities

Silikomart choco spiral mould

Silikomart mould 12 eggs

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatine

Pastry bag


Hazelnut praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔50g powdered sugar

Hazelnut biscuit
✔32g hazelnut powder
✔1 egg
✔1 egg white
✔32g icing sugar
✔10 g butter
✔7 g flour

Chocolate praline crisp
✔10g milk chocolate
✔20g hazelnut praline
✔10g crêpes dentelles

Vanilla mousse
✔30g liquid cream
✔30g white chocolate
✔30g cold liquid cream
✔1g gelatine

✔Spray velvet brown
✔Food gold leaf
✔White chocolate
✔Some milk chocolate pistoles

Hazelnut praline mousse
✔80g liquid cream
✔50g white chocolate
✔50g praline
✔120g of liquid cream 30% MG min
✔4g gelatine

The recipe

For 4 desserts

Hazelnut praline
✔100g hazelnuts
✔50g powdered sugar

Place the hazelnuts on a baking tray and bake at 150°C for 15 minutes.
In a saucepan, pour the caster sugar and make a caramel. When the caramel has a nice colour, pour it onto a sheet of baking paper and leave to cool. Place the hazelnuts (having rubbed them to remove the skin) and the cooled caramel, cut into pieces, in the bowl of a blender and blend until you obtain the hazelnut praline. 

Praline insert
Fill the Silikomart choco spiral mould with hazelnut praline and place in the freezer for at least 3 to 4 hours.

Oeuf praliné dans son coquetier
Oeuf praliné dans son coquetier

Hazelnut biscuit
✔35g hazelnut powder
✔1 egg
✔1 egg white
✔35 g icing sugar
✔10 g butter
✔7 g flour

Make a hazelnut butter. In a saucepan, melt the butter until it takes on a nice colour and a hazelnut smell. Set aside. In a bowl, mix the whole egg with the icing sugar. Add the hazelnut powder, flour and melted butter. Mix well. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with the powdered sugar. Gently fold them into the mixture with a spatula. Pour the biscuit dough onto a baking tray covered with baking paper. Bake the biscuit for 10 minutes at 175°C. Take the biscuit out of the oven and let it cool before peeling it off the paper and cutting it into circles of two different sizes for your Silikomart secret mould and the Silikomart 12 egg mould.

Oeuf praliné dans son coquetier
Oeuf praliné dans son coquetier
Oeuf praliné dans son coquetier

Chocolate praline crisp
✔10g milk chocolate
✔20g hazelnut praline
✔10g crêpes dentelles

Mix all the ingredients together. Spread onto the larger diameter biscuits (which fit into the silikomart Secret mould) then place in the freezer.

Hazelnut praline mousse
✔80g liquid cream
✔50g white chocolate
✔50g praline
✔120g of liquid cream 30% MG min
✔4g gelatine

Place the gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water. Melt the white chocolate in the microwave. Heat the 80g of liquid cream in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and pour over the white chocolate, add the gelatine and the praline. Mix well and set aside. Whip the 120g of cold cream in a bowl with an electric mixer. Gently fold in the previous mixture.


Fill the Silikomart Secret moulds with 3/4 of the praline mousse. Add the hazelnut biscuit with the crispiness towards the inside. Place in the freezer overnight or at least 6 hours.

Oeuf praliné dans son coquetier
Oeuf praliné dans son coquetier

Vanilla mousse
✔30g liquid cream
✔30g white chocolate
✔30g cold liquid cream
✔1 vanilla pod or vanilla powder
✔1g gelatine

Place the gelatine sheet in a bowl of cold water. Melt the white chocolate in the microwave. Heat the 30g of liquid cream with the vanilla in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine and white chocolate. Mix well and set aside. Whip the 30g of cold cream in a bowl with an electric mixer. Gently fold in the previous mixture.


Fill the Silikomart 12-egg mould with the mousse halfway up. Add the praline insert. Top with a little mousse and finish with the hazelnut biscuit. Place in the freezer overnight or at least 6 hours.

Oeuf praliné dans son coquetier
Oeuf praliné dans son coquetier

The next day, remove the desserts from the Silikomart Secret mould and immediately apply the brown velvet spray. Add a spoonful of praline to each hollow.

Melt white chocolate with a few drops of milk chocolate to colour it slightly. Place the chocolate in a tall, narrow container. Remove the egg dishes from the freezer. Using a wooden pick, quickly dip each egg into the chocolate and scrape the underside over the rim of your container to remove any excess. Place on a piece of baking paper until the chocolate sets. Carefully remove the wooden pick. Place your egg in the hollow of your entremet on top of the praline.

Add a small gold leaf on top to cover the hole in the wooden spike. Place in a cool place for at least 2 hours.

Pistachio and strawberry cake

Gâteau pistaches et fraises

Pistachio and strawberry cake made of

– a pistachio biscuit
– a pistachio praline crunch
– a pistachio cream
– a strawberry mousse
– a strawberry jelly.

Material used

– Rectangular frame 20X11x4.5 cm

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatin

– Tefal baking tray

– Baking paper


Pistachio biscuit (the day before)
✔65g icing sugar
✔1 egg
✔65g pistachio powder
✔20g butter
✔15g flour
✔15g caster sugar
✔100g egg whites

White chocolate and pistachio praline crisp (the day before)
✔60g pistachio praline
✔30g white chocolate
✔35g crêpes dentelles

Pistachio cream (the day before)
✔3g gelatine
✔150 ml cream
✔1 egg yolk
✔20g caster sugar
✔70g pistachio praline

Strawberry mousse (the day before)
✔150g strawberries
✔4g gelatine
✔110g liquid cream
✔30g caster sugar

Strawberry jelly
✔100g mixed strawberries without seeds
✔3g gelatine
✔20g caster sugar

The recipe

Serves 5 to 6

Pistachio biscuit
✔65 g pistachio powder
✔1 egg
✔100g egg white
✔65 g icing sugar
✔15 g flour
✔15 g caster sugar

In a bowl, add the pistachio powder, icing sugar and whole egg. Mix well. Add the sifted flour. Mix well. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with the powdered sugar. Incorporate a third of the egg whites and mix to loosen the mixture, then gently fold the rest into the mixture with a pastry blender. Pour the biscuit dough onto a baking tray covered with baking paper and smooth out the dough. Bake the biscuit for 8 to 10 minutes at 180°C.

Gâteau pistaches et fraises
Gâteau pistaches et fraises
Gâteau pistaches et fraises

Remove the biscuit from the oven and allow it to cool before peeling it off the paper and cutting out two rectangles measuring 20X11cm.

Pistachio Crisp
✔30g white chocolate
✔60g pistachio praline
✔30g of crêpes dentelles

In a bowl, pour the praline, the previously melted white chocolate and add the crumbled crêpes dentelles. Mix gently. Roll out the crêpes dentelles between two sheets of greaseproof paper into a rectangle the size of your frame (20X11cm for me). Place in the freezer for a few minutes. Cut the crisp to the size of your frame and place it on the bottom of your frame. Place the first pistachio biscuit on top and return to the freezer.

Gâteau pistaches et fraises
Gâteau pistaches et fraises

Pistachio cream
✔150g cream
✔50g sugar
✔2 egg yolks
✔80g pistachio praline
✔3g gelatine

In a bowl, mix the egg yolk with the sugar until slightly white. In a saucepan, bring 150ml of cream to the boil, remove from heat and pour the hot cream over the previous mixture. Return to the saucepan and cook over a low heat until 82ºC. Remove from the heat and add the wrung-out gelatine. Pour the hot cream over the pistachio praline and mix. If necessary you can blend the mixture a little so that it is smooth. Leave to cool slightly, then pour over the crumble and place in the freezer for a few minutes before placing the second pistachio biscuit.

Gâteau pistaches et fraises
Gâteau pistaches et fraises

Strawberry mousse (the day before)
✔150g strawberries
✔4g gelatine
✔110g liquid cream
✔30g caster sugar

Heat, in a small saucepan, the mixed strawberries. Add, off the heat, the gelatine, well wrung out and previously softened in a bowl of cold water. Set aside. Whip the cold cream (110g) with the powdered sugar using an electric mixer. Using a spatula, gently add the previous mixture.

Pour over the second biscuit, leaving 2 to 3 mm free to apply the jelly. Place in the freezer overnight or at least 6 hours.

Gâteau pistaches et fraises

Strawberry jelly
✔100g mixed strawberries without seeds
✔3g gelatine
✔20g caster sugar

Place the gelatine sheets in a large bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the sugar and the mixed strawberries previously strained to remove the seeds. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, wrung out and softened. Mix and let cool a little before pouring over your frozen cake. Place your cake in the fridge for at least 4 to 5 hours. You can serve it whole or cut it into individual pieces.

I decorated with a few unsalted pistachios and a white chocolate decoration made with chocolate transfer sheet.

Orange and chocolate entremet

Entremet orange chocolat

Orange and chocolate entremet composed of

– an orange mousse,
– a hazelnut biscuit,
– a chocolate praline crunch,
– orange velvet spray.


Materials used

Silikomart cylinder mould x8

Ancel 210 bloom gelatine

Tefal baking tray

Baking paper

– Orange velvet spray

Mandarin pavoni mould

Angled spatula


Hazelnut biscuit
✔10g butter
✔35g roasted hazelnut powder
✔35g icing sugar
✔7g flour
✔25g egg
✔1 egg white
✔10g caster sugar

Milk chocolate crisp (the day before)
✔20g milk chocolate
✔40g hazelnut praline
✔20g of crêpes dentelles

Orange mousse (the day before)
✔120g orange juice
✔1 egg
✔75g sugar
✔10g cornflour
✔150g liquid cream 30% MG
✔5g gelatine

Sweet dough
✔70g flour
✔10g icing sugar
✔40g butter
✔1 egg yolk
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 zest of an orange

The recipe

For 7 desserts

Hazelnut biscuit
✔10g butter
✔35g roasted hazelnut powder
✔35g icing sugar
✔7g flour
✔25g egg
✔1 egg white
✔10g caster sugar

Make a hazelnut butter. In a saucepan, melt the butter until it takes on a nice colour and a hazelnut smell. Set aside. In a bowl, mix the whole egg with the icing sugar. Add the hazelnut powder, flour and melted butter. Mix well. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with the powdered sugar. Gently fold them into the mixture with a spatula. Pour the biscuit dough onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake the biscuit for 10 to 12 minutes at 170°C. Remove the biscuit from the oven and allow it to cool before cutting it out with the cookie cutter supplied with the Silikomart mould.

Entremet orange chocolat
Entremet orange chocolat
Entremet orange chocolat

Milk chocolate crisp (the day before)
✔20g milk chocolate
✔40g hazelnut praline
✔20g of crêpes dentelles

Mix all the ingredients together. Spread on the biscuits and place in the freezer.

Entremet orange chocolat

Orange mousse (the day before)
✔120g orange juice
✔1 egg
✔75g sugar
✔10g cornflour
✔150g liquid cream 30% MG
✔5g gelatine

Place the gelatine in a large bowl of cold water.
In a mixing bowl, combine the egg, powdered sugar and cornstarch. Pour the orange juice into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Add the previous mixture. Heat over low/medium heat, stirring constantly until the cream thickens. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine. Set aside. In a salad bowl, whip the cold liquid cream and gently fold in the cooled mixture using a spatula.


Fill the Silikomart cylinder mould 3/4 of the way with the orange mousse, making sure that it reaches all the edges. Add the hazelnut biscuit, crisp side in. Place in the freezer overnight.

Entremet orange chocolat
Entremet orange chocolat
Entremet orange chocolat

Sweet dough
✔70g flour
✔10g icing sugar
✔40g butter
✔1 egg yolk
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 zest of an orange

Mix all the ingredients together, roll out and put in the fridge. Roll out the dough between two sheets of baking paper with a rolling pin, then detail it with the cutter provided. Bake at 180°C between two micro perforated mats. Keep an eye on the baking process and take them out as soon as they colour.

Entremet orange chocolat
Entremet orange chocolat
Entremet orange chocolat

Remove the desserts from the freezer, unmould and immediately apply the orange velvet spray. Then place each dessert on a sweet pastry biscuit. I decorated with a dark chocolate wedge.