The salambo


Salambo or acorn composed of

– choux pastry
– pastry cream
– fondant and chocolate vermicelli

Material used

– micro-perforated baking mat
– fluted sleeve


The recipe

Acorn : Kirsch custard
Salambo : Rum custard

For the choux pastry
60g water
60g milk
70g flour
55g butter
1 teaspoon of sugar
2 or 3 eggs (depending on their size)

Heat the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar in a pan. Remove from the heat and add the flour all at once. Mix well to dry the dough for 2 to 3 minutes. Then add the beaten eggs gradually, mixing well between each egg. Poach the choux on a baking tray covered with a silpat micro perforated cusson mat. Bake at 170°C for 35 to 40 minutes.

For the pastry cream
300ml milk
60g sugar
2 egg yolks
20g cornflour
Rum or Kirsch
Heat the milk in a saucepan. In a bowl, mix the yolks, sugar and cornflour. Pour the hot milk over it. Return to the saucepan and heat without stopping to stir until the cream thickens. If you wish, you can add a capful of rum or kirsch. Set aside in a cool place.

Make two holes under each choux. Garnish with pastry cream. Heat up some white fondant coloured green (35°C maximum). Coat the choux and sprinkle with chocolate vermicelli.


Le salambo ou gland

Salambo ou gland composé 

– pâte à choux
– crème pâtissière
– fondant et vermicelles en chocolat

Matériel utilisé

tapis de cuisson micro-perforé
– douille cannelée

Gland : crème pâtissière au Kirsch
Salambo : crème pâtissière au rhum

Pour la pâte à choux
60g d’eau
60g de lait
70g de farine
55g de beurre
Du sel
1 cuillère à café de sucre
2 ou 3 œufs (suivant leur grosseur)

Dans une casserole faire chauffer l’eau, le lait, le beurre, le sel et le sucre. Hors du feu ajouter en une fois la farine. Bien mélanger pour dessécher la pâte pendant 2 à 3 minutes. Incorporer ensuite les œufs battus progressivement en mélangeant bien entre chaque œuf. Pocher les choux sur une plaque de cuisson recouverte d’un tapis de cuisson micro perforé silpat avec une douille cannelée. Enfourner à 170°C pendant 35 à 40 minutes.

Pour la crème pâtissière
300ml de lait
60g de sucre
2 jaunes d’œufs
20g de maïzena
Facultatif : Rhum ou Kirsch

Dans une casserole, chauffer le lait. Dans un bol, mélanger les jaunes, le sucre puis la maïzena. Verser le lait chaud dessus. Remettre dans la casserole et chauffer sans cesser de remuer jusqu’à ce que la crème épaississe. Vous pouvez si vous le souhaitez ajouter un bouchon de rhum ou de kirsch. Réservez au frais.

Réaliser deux trous sous chaque choux. Garnir de crème pâtissière. Réchauffer du fondant blanc coloré en vert (35°C maximum). Nappez les choux puis saupoudrez de vermicelles en chocolat.


Lemon meringue cake

Lemon and meringue cake composed of

– a lemon madeleine cookie,
– a lemon curd,
– a lemon meringue,
– with lemon agar balls.

Material used

– Rectangular frame 20X11x4.5 cm

– Ancel 210 bloom gelatin

– Tefal baking tray

– Baking paper

– Cooking thermometer


Lemon meringue (the day before)
✔115 g sugar
✔135 g water
✔5 sheets of gelatine
✔125 g lemon juice

Lemon Madeleine biscuit
✔100 g sugar
✔2 eggs
✔100 g flour
✔5 g baking powder
✔100 g melted butter
✔Zest of one lemon

Lemon curd
✔120 g whole eggs
✔65 g butter
✔100 g sugar
✔12 cl lemon juice
✔2 x 2g gelatine sheets

Agar agar beads
✔120 ml lemon juice
✔25 ml water
✔15g caster sugar
✔2g agar agar

The recipe

For 5 or 6 people

Lemon meringue (the day before)
✔115 g sugar
✔135 g water
✔5 sheets of gelatin
✔125 g lemon juice

Rehydrate the gelatine for 10 minutes in cold water. Bring water and sugar to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin, then the lemon juice. Set aside in the refrigerator for at least 4 to 5 hours.

Lemon Madeleine Biscuit
✔100 g sugar
✔2 eggs
✔100 g flour
✔5g baking powder
✔100 g melted butter
✔Zest of a lemon

Melt the butter and let it cool. Sift the flour and baking powder together. Place the eggs in a bowl with the sugar and a pinch of salt and beat the mixture with an electric mixer. Add flour and yeast, then cold melted butter and finally lemon zest. Pour onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Smooth out to a thickness of about 1 cm. Bake at 200°C until golden brown. Let cool and cut into a rectangle of 20X10cm.

Lemon curd
✔120 g whole eggs
✔65 g of butter
✔100 g sugar
✔12 cl of lemon juice
✔2 sheets of gelatin of 2g

Place the gelatine in cold water. In a bowl, mix the eggs and sugar. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and add the lemon juice and whisk together. Cook the lemon curd over low heat with a maryse until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat, add gelatin and butter. Mix until butter is completely melted. Pour over the madeleine cookie and place in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Whip the meringue with a mixer and pour over the lemon curd. Place in the freezer. The next day, remove the frame and place in the fridge to defrost.

Gâteau citron meringué

Agar beads
✔120 ml lemon juice
✔25 ml of water
✔15g of powdered sugar
✔2g agar agar
✔yellow colouring (optional)

Place a large glass of neutral oil in the refrigerator (the day before). In a saucepan, place your 120 ml of lemon juice with a little water and sugar and bring to a boil. When it boils, add the agar agar and let it heat for 30 seconds. Remove from heat and place your liquid in a syringe. Allow to cool for a few minutes and slowly empty the contents into your glass of cold oil, the beads will form. Slowly transfer the beads to a strainer and collect them with a small spoon and place them on the cake.

Lemon cake

Gâteau citron

Lemon cake composed of

– a lemon biscuit,
– a lemon cream,
– a lemon mousse,
– a mirror icing.

Material used

– Rectangular pastry frame 20X10cm

– Angled spatula

For 5 or 6 people For the lemon biscuit (the day before) 55g butter 1 egg 100g sugar Liquid vanilla 40g milk 10g liquid cream 70g flour sachet of yeast 45g egg whites Zest of one lemon In a bowl, mix the butter with the powdered sugar. Add the egg and vanilla. Mix well. Add the milk and cream and whisk again. Sift in the flour and baking powder. Whisk the egg whites and add them gently to the previous mixture. Finally add the lemon zest. Pour onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Smooth with an angled spatula. Place in the oven at 170°C. Allow to cool completely, then cut out two biscuits with your rectangular 20X10 cm pastry frame. Place your first lemon biscuit on a plate at the bottom of the frame. Lemon cream (the day before) 150g cream 70g sugar 2 egg yolks 1 lemon juice 3g gelatine Hydrate the gelatine in cold water. Heat the cream in a saucepan. Mix the egg yolks, lemon juice and sugar in a bowl and add the hot cream to the mixture. Return to the heat and thicken. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, previously softened in a bowl of cold water and squeezed dry. Pour the creamy mixture over the first biscuit, then add the second biscuit. Place in the freezer. Lemon mousse (the day before) 1 lemon juice 45g sugar 90g mascarpone 150g of liquid cream 4g gelatine (2 sheets) In a saucepan, heat the lemon juice with the sugar. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, previously softened in a bowl of cold water and squeezed dry. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with the mascarpone in an electric mixer and gently fold into the previous mixture. Pour the mousse over the second biscuit and place in the freezer.
Gâteau citron
Gâteau citron
Gâteau citron
Gâteau citron

Mirror glaze (the day before)
45g sugar
45g glucose
25g water
2 sheets of gelatine (4g)
45g white chocolate
30g unsweetened condensed milk
yellow food coloring

– Heat the sugar, water and glucose in a saucepan.

– Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, wrung out and softened.

– Pour this mixture over the melted chocolate. Stir well.

– Add the condensed milk, the yellow food coloring. Use a hand blender to mix the mixture and place it in the fridge.

– The next day, remove the cake from the freezer. Cover the surface of the cake with the frosting which has been cooled to 35°C. Leave in the fridge for a few minutes until the icing has set. Carefully remove the frame and cut 0.5 cm off each side of the cake, so that the layers are well defined. Cut out individual slices and leave to defrost in the fridge. I decorated with small meringues.

Blueberry and meringue cake

Blueberry and meringue cake

– a meringue,
– a blueberry mousse,
– whipped cream.

Material used

– silikomart finger mould


For 5 fingers

50g egg whites
50g powdered sugar
50g icing sugar

Whisk the egg whites until stiff, add the caster sugar.
Sift the icing sugar and mix gently. Fill the silikomart finger mould. Place in the oven for 1h15 at 100°C. Turn off the oven and leave to cool in the oven. Turn out carefully as the meringue is fragile.

Blueberry mousse
150g blueberry puree
30g caster sugar
3 sheets of gelatine
200g liquid fresh cream 30% fat minimum

Hydrate the gelatine in cold water. Heat the blueberry purée with the caster sugar in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine. Leave to cool a little. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Add the previous mixture and stir gently with a maryse. Pour into the silikomart finger mould. Add the meringue and place in the freezer overnight.

For the whipped cream
50g of liquid cream 30%MG minimum
10g caster sugar
30g mascarpone

Whip the 30% minimum fat cream with the mascarpone and caster sugar with an electric mixer. Poach the whipped cream over the blueberry mousse.

Decorate with blueberries and mint leaves.

Hazelnut, coffee and chocolate cake

Gâteau noisettes, café et chocolat

Hazelnut, coffee and chocolate cake

– a hazelnut biscuit,
– a coffee mousse,
– a milk chocolate icing.

Hazelnut biscuit
85g hazelnut powder
35g fine caster sugar
a pinch of salt
3 eggs
35g melted butter
2 egg whites
15g fine caster sugar

– Place the hazelnut powder, 35g sugar, salt and eggs in a bowl and mix. Add the melted butter and mix again.

– In another bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff with the 15g of caster sugar.

– Add a few egg whites to the previous mixture to loosen the batter.

– Add the remaining egg whites and stir gently with a pastry blender.

– I used two square pastry frames slightly larger than the one I used for the assembly so that I could cut the biscuits after baking.  Roll out the dough inside the two frames on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. On one of the biscuits, add chopped roasted hazelnuts to the surface for crunch.

– Place in the oven at 170°C and bake for about ten minutes until nicely coloured. Leave to cool and cut out your two identical sized biscuits using the pastry frame. I used a 15×15 cm square pastry frame.


Gâteau noisettes, café et chocolat
Gâteau noisettes, café et chocolat
Gâteau noisettes, café et chocolat
Gâteau noisettes, café et chocolat

Coffee mousse
20 cl cold liquid cream
Coffee extract
25 cl milk
100 g caster sugar
6 g gelatine

Hydrate the gelatine in very cold water. Heat the milk, caster sugar and coffee extract in a saucepan. Remove from the heat, add the gelatine, mix and set aside. Whip the cold cream with a mixer and add it to the previous mixture.

Place your square pastry frame on your dish. Place the biscuit covered with chopped hazelnuts on top. Pour half of the coffee mousse (250g) onto the biscuit and place in the freezer for a few minutes. Place the second biscuit on top and then the remaining 250g of coffee mousse. Place in the freezer overnight.

Milk chocolate icing (the day before if possible)
45g sugar
45g glucose
25g water
2 sheets of gelatine
45g milk chocolate
30g unsweetened condensed milk

Heat the sugar, water and glucose in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, wrung out and softened. Pour this mixture over the melted chocolate. Stir well. Add the condensed milk. Use a hand blender to mix the mixture and place it in the fridge.

The next day, remove the cake from the freezer. If your mousse is already at the height of the frame, slide the frame up slightly by 3mm. Cover the surface of the cake with the icing, which has been cooled to 35°C. Leave in the fridge for a few minutes until the icing gels. Carefully remove the frame and cut 0.5 cm off each side of the cake, so that the layers are well defined. Decorate with a chocolate coffee bean and leave to defrost in the fridge (at least 2 hours).

Gâteau noisettes, café et chocolat
Gâteau noisettes, café et chocolat
Gâteau noisettes, café et chocolat
Gâteau noisettes, café et chocolat
Gâteau noisettes, café et chocolat

Shortbread and red fruit tart

Tarte sablée fruits rouges et chantilly

Shortbread tart with red fruits

– Breton shortbread
– poached mascarpone cream
– red fruits
Pansy flowers for decoration

Materials used

– 21cm Silikomart pie ring

– Saint Honoré nozzle for poaching the whipped cream

cercle tarte 21cm

For the Breton shortbread
200g flour
120g sugar
150g of softened butter
1 sachet of yeast
1 egg yolk
1 pinch of salt

Mix all the ingredients, make a ball, wrap it in plastic wrap and chill for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Roll out between two sheets of baking paper. Place your circle on a baking tray covered with a sheet of baking paper. Place your shortbread dough. Remove the excess.

Bake at 160°C for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool so that the shortbread hardens.

Chantilly cream
– 150g of liquid cream 30% fat
– 70g of mascarpone
– 30g powdered sugar

Whip the mascarpone whipped cream with a little powdered sugar and place it in a pastry bag fitted with a Saint Honoré tip.

Once the shortbread has cooled completely, poach the whipped cream using a Saint-Honoré tip and then place the washed and drained red fruit. I finished off the decoration with a few flowers from Maison Sauge.

Place in the fridge until ready to eat.

Vanilla and cherry tartlet

Tartelette vanille et cerise

Vanilla and cherry tartlet composed of

– a sweet pastry,
– an almond cream,
– a cherry confit,
– a vanilla dome.

Material used

– Silikomart micro-perforated baking mat
– Silikomart perforated tartlet circles
– Silikomart Ode 50 single portion mould

cercle tarte 21cm

For 4 tarts

Vanilla mousse (the day before)
50g of liquid cream
50g white chocolate
vanilla powder
3g gelatine
100g cold liquid cream
10g icing sugar
Place the gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the 50g of liquid cream with the vanilla. Remove from the heat and add the wrung-out gelatine. Mix and set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer and add the icing sugar. Pour in the previous mixture and stir gently. Pour into the silicone mould and place in the freezer.

Sweet pastry
130g flour
45g icing sugar
70g butter
15g almond powder
1 egg yolk
1 pinch of salt
Mix all the ingredients together, roll out and refrigerate for 1 hour. Roll out the dough between two sheets of baking paper and cut out circles with a cookie cutter. Bake at 180°C for about 12 minutes.

Almond cream
20g of butter
20g icing sugar
20g almond powder
20g eggs
Mix the butter with the icing sugar. Add the almond powder and eggs. Pour into the bottom of the tarts and cook for about ten minutes. Leave to cool.

Cherry confit
100g cherry puree
15g caster sugar
3g pectin
Heat the cherry puree in a saucepan, then add the sugar and pectin mixture previously mixed in a bowl. Bring the mixture to the boil and keep it there for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Leave to cool slightly and then garnish the tarts, smoothing the surface.

Place the vanilla dome on the cherry confit. Cut in half, remove the stones and place the cherries all around. Decorate with a small gold leaf.

Tartelette vanille et cerise
Tartelette vanille et cerise
Tartelette vanille et cerise
Tartelette vanille et cerise

Vanilla and redcurrant tart

Tarte vanille et groseilles

Vanilla and redcurrant tart composed of

– a sweet pastry,
– a vanilla mousse,
– and redcurrant jelly.

Material used

XiaoShenLu concave ball mould bought on Amazon

– Micro perforated baking mat

For 5 tarts

Vanilla mousse (to be made the day before)
80 g full cream
80 g white chocolate
5 g gelatine
160 g whipped cream
Vanilla pod from @bourbon_noire
20g icing sugar
Place the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, heat the 80g of liquid cream with the split black Bourbon vanilla pod. Turn off the heat, cover the pan and leave the vanilla to infuse for 15 minutes. Return the mixture to the heat and then, off the heat, add the gelatine (having first removed the vanilla pod). Pour over the melted white chocolate and mix. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer and add the icing sugar. Pour over the previous mixture and stir gently.

You can get a 10% discount with the code « LESDELICES31 » for the purchase of your vanilla on the bourbon_noire website.

Sweet pastry
70g flour
10g icing sugar
40g butter
1 egg yolk
1 pinch of salt
Mix all the ingredients together, roll out and put in the fridge. Roll out the pastry between two sheets of baking paper and cut out rectangles using @silikomart tartlet moulds. Place the pastry in the freezer for 10 minutes and bake at 180°C for about 12 to 15 minutes.

For the redcurrant jelly
80g of redcurrant puree
2 tablespoons of water
20g sugar (adjust if necessary)
1 sheet of gelatine (2g)
Soften the gelatine sheet in a bowl of cold water. In a saucepan, pour the water, redcurrant puree and sugar and heat. Remove from the heat and strain to remove any remaining skins, then add the wrung-out gelatine. Leave to cool and then pour into the vanilla mousse cells. Leave in the fridge until the jelly sets.

Strawberry puffs

Strawberry choux made with

– choux pastry,
– pastry cream,
– fresh strawberries
– mint leaves.

For about ten choux

For the choux pastry
60g of water
60g of milk
70g of flour
55g of butter
1 teaspoon of sugar
2 or 3 eggs (depending on their size)
A little powdered sugar

Heat the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the flour all at once. Mix well to dry the dough for 2 to 3 minutes.

Add the beaten eggs gradually, mixing well between each egg.

Poach the eclairs on a baking sheet covered with a silpat sheet. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Bake at 170°C for 35 to 40 minutes (time may vary depending on oven). Let cool on a rack. Cut off the top of the choux.

For the pastry cream
300ml of milk
60g of sugar
2 egg yolks
20g of cornstarch

Heat the milk and vanilla. In a bowl, mix the egg yolks, sugar and cornstarch. Pour the hot milk on top. Stir. Pour back into the pan. Stir until thickened. Set aside in a cool place.

Fresh strawberries 
Mint leaves
White chocolate

Fill the choux with pastry cream. Cut strawberries into sticks and place on the choux. Add mint leaves and white chocolate decorated with a chocolate transfer sheet.