Strawberry and whipped cream tartlet

Tartelette fraise et chantilly

Strawberry and whipped cream tartlet made with

– sweet pastry,
– pastry cream,
– strawberry compote,
– a strawberry dome,
– a strawberry glaze,
– mascarpone whipped cream.

Material used

– Silikomart 70mm perforated tart moulds

– Micro-perforated baking mat

– Silikomart pomponette mould


Sweet pastry
✔70 g soft butter
✔130 g flour
✔45 g icing sugar
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 egg yolk

Strawberry dome
✔35g strawberries
✔30g liquid cream
✔1g gelatine

Strawberry topping
✔90g strawberries
✔15g sugar
✔2g NH pectin

Pastry cream
✔125 g milk
✔vanilla powder
✔2 egg yolks
✔30 g caster sugar
✔12 g cornflour
✔1 capful of rum

Strawberry compote
✔90g strawberries
✔10g sugar
✔2g NH pectin

✔Chantilly mascarpone

Mascarpone whipped cream
✔20g caster sugar
✔120g single cream 30% fat
✔60g mascarpone

The recipe

For 4 tartlets

Strawberry dome
✔35g strawberries
✔30g liquid cream
✔1g gelatine

In a bowl of cold water, soften the gelatine sheet. In a saucepan, heat the blended strawberries. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, wrung out and softened. Mix well. Set aside. Whip the cold cream with an electric mixer. Gently fold in the cooled mixture. Pour into your silikomart pomponette mould. Place in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours.

Tartelette fraise et chantilly
Tartelette fraise et chantilly

Pastry cream
✔125 g milk
✔vanilla powder
✔2 egg yolks
✔30 g caster sugar
✔12 g cornflour
✔1 capful of rum

Heat the milk. In a bowl, combine the yolks, sugar, cornflour.Pour the hot milk over it.Stir.Pour back into the saucepan.Stir until the cream thickens.Remove from the heat and add the capful of rum. Mix well. Pour into a bowl, strain and chill.

Sweet pastry
✔70 g soft butter
✔130 g flour
✔45 g icing sugar
✔1 pinch of salt
✔1 egg yolk

Mix all the ingredients together. Roll out the dough thinly between 2 sheets of greaseproof paper then place in the fridge for 30 mins. Line the circles and place in the freezer for 10 mins. Preheat oven to 170°C. Bake until white. Leave to cool well.

Tartelette melon et menthe
Tartelette fraise et chantilly

Strawberry compote
✔90g strawberries
✔10g sugar
✔2g NH pectin

Place the diced strawberries in a saucepan and heat over a low heat, stirring regularly, for around 5 minutes. Increase the intensity of the heat and as soon as it starts to boil add the sugar and pectin mixture. Cook for one minute, stirring constantly. Turn off the heat and leave to cool to room temperature.


Remove the crème pâtissière from the fridge. Loosen it a little and spread it inside the tartlets. Spread the strawberry compote over the top.

Tartelette fraise et chantilly
Tartelette fraise et chantilly
Tartelette fraise et chantilly

Strawberry topping
✔90g strawberries
✔15g sugar
✔2g NH pectin
✔ Optional: red colouring

Pour the blended strawberries into a saucepan and heat through. In a small bowl, mix the sugar and pectin. Add this mixture to the saucepan and mix well. Bring to the boil and cook for 1 minute. I added a few drops of red colouring because the strawberries lose their colour when heated. Leave to cool.

Frost the frozen strawberry mousse when the glaze is below 40°C.

Place the strawberry dome covered with the glaze in the middle of the tartlet.

Tartelette fraise et chantilly

I then decorated with a mascarpone whipped cream.

Mascarpone whipped cream
✔20g caster sugar
✔120g single cream 30% fat
✔60g mascarpone

Whip the cold cream and mascarpone with an electric mixer. Gradually add the caster sugar. Using a piping bag fitted with a petal tip, pipe the whipped cream around the strawberry dome.