Tiramisu Eclair

Tiramisu eclair made with

– choux pastry,
– coffee-soaked sponge cake,
– mascarpone cream
– white pastry fondant,
– cocoa powder.


Material used

– micro-perforated baking mat

– fluted tip

– piping bag

– lightning bolt



Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

Spoon biscuits
✔1 egg white
✔1 egg yolk
✔30g caster sugar
✔30g flour
+icing sugar


Mascarpone cream
✔125g mascarpone
✔2 egg yolks
✔2 egg whites
✔50g caster sugar

✔115g White fondant
✔30g glucose

+Cocoa powder

The recipe

For approx. 6 éclairs

✔115g White fondant
✔30g glucose

Pour all the ingredients into the pan. Heat the white fondant to 60°C in a bain marie. Mix well. Pour onto the silicone chablon placed on a baking tray and place in the freezer for a few hours.

Eclair pistache

Choux pastry
✔60g water
✔60g milk
✔70g flour
✔55g butter
✔1 teaspoon sugar
✔2 or 3 eggs (depending on size)

+sucre glace et beurre de cacao
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Heat the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and add the flour all at once. Mix well to dry out the dough for 2 to 3 minutes.

Then gradually add the beaten eggs, mixing well between each egg.

Poach the éclairs on a baking tray lined with a micro perforated baking mat, using a fluted tip and sprinkle with a mixture of icing sugar and cocoa butter powder. Bake at 175°C for 35 to 40 minutes (time may vary depending on oven). Place a tea towel astride the door of your oven so that the steam can escape. Leave to cool on a wire rack.

Eclair tiramisu
Eclair tiramisu

Spoon biscuits
✔1 egg white
✔1 egg yolk
✔30g caster sugar
✔30g flour
+icing sugar


Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites with an electric mixer, adding the sugar gradually. Then add the egg yolks. Mix gently with a spatula. Sift in the flour. Mix again. Fill a piping bag fitted with a plain tip. Poach the long spoon biscuits on a sheet of baking paper and sprinkle with icing sugar. Bake at 180°C for 8 to 10 minutes.

Eclair tiramisu

Mascarpone cream
✔125g mascarpone
✔2 egg yolks
✔2 egg whites
✔50g caster sugar

Separate the egg whites from the yolks in two bowls. Using an electric mixer, beat the yolks with the mascarpone and half the sugar (25g). Mix and set aside.

In the second bowl, beat the egg whites with an electric mixer, gradually incorporating the remaining 25g sugar. Gently fold the egg whites into the mascarpone cream.

Eclair tiramisu


Cut the top off your éclairs. Top with mascarpone cream.

Eclair tiramisu
Eclair tiramisu

Add the sponge cake, which has been soaked in coffee. Top with a little mascarpone cream.

Eclair tiramisu
Eclair tiramisu
Eclair tiramisu

Close the éclair. Place the white fondant on each lightning bolt.

Eclair tiramisu
Eclair tiramisu

I cut baking paper into the shape of my éclair to protect it and sprinkled cocoa powder over half of the fondant.

Eclair tiramisu
Eclair tiramisu
Eclair tiramisu